Originally Posted by Clovis8
Here are the normal checks and balances which failed to date and we are not a month into his presidency.
No tax returns
No divestiture by him or parts of his cabinet
Cabinet not providing normal financial disclosures
Not a single republican standing up against anything
The most amount of executive orders of any president
Calling the 4th estate the opposition party
Forcing the press secretary to lie
Am I missing anything?
I can't believe I have to go through these one by one to talk you off your ledge.
No tax returns
Tax returns are not a constitutional required check and balance on the Executive branch. The President has filled out his legally required financial disclosure forms.
Here is the link:
Before you ask, sure, I think Trump should have released them. But I don't care.
Trump has divested his individually owned stocks.
His cabinet has also divested.
Literally Google "Name" divestment and "Name" financial disclosures. It's all there. In the Cyber. I'm sorry you live in your bubble and don't have access to all these websites in the Cyber.
Not a single Republican standing up to him?
McCain on Trump and Putin
McConnell on Trump and minorities
The most amount of EO as President?
You're confusing executive ORDERS with executive ACTIONS (or Proclamations). Again, fake news from your bubble adds these together to make big ole mean Trump seem so bad.
Obama had more executive ORDERS. Most of Trump's are executive ACTIONS. Which legally mean nothing. Trump can issue an executive action that PROCLAIMS he has the largest Presidential Penis. It doesn't ****ing matter. He has a similar number of executive orders as Obama.
Calling the 4th Estate the opposition?
Trump didn't say that. His advisor did. Who ****ing cares. It doesn't matter if his advisor calls the press his "supporters" either. The press is free to report on whatever they want.
Forcing the Press Secretary to lie?
The Press Secretary can always resign if he doesn't believe in what he has to spew. Trump isn't blackmailing him to be the Press Secretary.
So there you go.
Calm yourself down. Go for a walk. It's been a week and Trump hasn't nuked us all to Armageddon yet. Maybe you'll realize that spending your free time perusing far-left media has triggered you into believing we're 30 seconds from Nazi Germany. But we're not. I assure you.