Originally Posted by DVaut1
I hope it works, but:
1. if it works, the GOP is still in total control and most of the GOP will be able to quickly distance themselves from the whole thing
Part of me agrees...but if Trump goes down because of Russia this just adds more stress to the cracks in the GOP. More importantly, the rabid know-nothing base is weakened and demoralized. I think they lose a ton of turnout in upcoming elections. I agree that it's a longshot for Russian ties to do any real damage, but if damage is done it will be extensive and pay off well in years, but agreed not immediately.
2. If it doesn't work, it's a time sink -- a lost opportunity of time/money/effort from everyone on the left that pays journalists and writes Explainers and uses twitter and has a cable news show and uses their money to put people into office and then subsequently uses those government positions to communicate with voters -- all of that time/energy/money is supposed to be used to build ideological cases for outcomes we want.
The only outcome that gets you anything is the one where Trump is removed from office. The reward is President Pence/Ryan.
If the left pours tons of time and money into obstructing the AHCA and spending a lot of time, attention and money pointing out its flaws, demonstrating why it's slavish to the health care industry and works primarily to ease the tax burden of the wealthy, and that our alternatives provide better care for more people, you win two ways:
1. damage Trump AND the GOP
2. sell yourself
The Russia story only does #1, and really doesn't even hit the GOP that hard.
Good point, but whynotboh.jpg seems obvious here. Democrats do not have a good track record of explaining healthcare policy to people. Plus, I think the Russia jabs hit Trump right in his foreign policy weak spot. I'd just repeat things that McCain and Graham say about it for maximum pressure creation.