Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Not really. Like, Wendy's doesn't sell burgers by telling everyone how terrible Burger King is. Dems managed to convince everyone that Trump was godawful --that message got through very well! But they failed to give anyone a positive reason to turn out for Hillary. So we wound up with a disillusioned electorate that largely stayed home or voted Trump for lolz.
Well, I don't live in the US to be fair so didn't see as much of the coverage as you (though I did see a fair bit). Based on what I saw I would say that Trump's campaign was the most negative that I have ever seen (Evil Hillary....emails....drain the swamp...more about Hillary....). Yes he tried to sell a dream, but really, if you are talking about people who would vote for him then usual rules don't apply. What was Hillary going to sell if all they talk about was her emails / Bangazi etc?
If you are talking about people who hated Trump but couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary then fair enough perhaps. Though, you would think that as much as they didn't like Hillary they would be more inclined to vote against Trump if they saw the prospect of him being the POTUS as horrendous.