Originally Posted by otatop
Where does "personal responsibility" fit in with the idea that people who shirk off insuring themselves get their bills covered by taxpayers?
If taxpayers are going to end up on the hook for it anyway, wouldn't it make sense to just have the government take over health care to reduce costs for everyone?
This is pretty obvious and why the whole healthcare thing is silly.
However to satisfy people like Lew they could post 10-25 million dollar bonds (per person) to cover any potential future healthcare expenses. If they use up 50% of their bond amount without repayment then the bond will be used to pay off healthcare. Then the bond will have to be refilled or else their countdown to care stops entirely and they become ineligible for future healthcare of any kind.
That is what personal responsibility actually would be when it comes to healthcare not paying $500 a month and not suffering any serious illnesses or diseases. That is fractional and convenient responsibility, nothing more.