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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

03-20-2017 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
Personal responsibility. You may have heard of it.
Ah, well this explains it. I'm sure you're of the "businesses can choose who they want to do business with, and if they discriminate nobody will use them and they will go out of business" model as well. Or do I have that wrong?
03-20-2017 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
Personal responsibility. You may have heard of it.
It's weird that you're so condescending in your posts here given your abject cluelessness on such a wide variety of topics. Even the basic concept of insurance is miles over your head.
03-20-2017 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
So, you've done a great job of proving bias. This is great work. Keep it up. It's a super shame you were banned yesterday when you contribute so many great things.
What do you want me to do, link the 10 articles I just found in 5 minutes? Is that helpful? Just do your own google search for Christ's sake. You're arguing things that are literally known to anyone that isn't both overly defensive and liberal. I don't care if you agree or not.

Am I supposed to be embarrased for being banned? Are you trying to shame me, lol?
03-20-2017 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
you do already
I know, I'm taking the conservative talking point against single payer to prove a point.

I may be doing it poorly but that's my goal.
03-20-2017 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
What do you want me to do, link the 10 articles I just found in 5 minutes? Is that helpful? Just do your own google search for Christ's sake. You're arguing things that are literally known to anyone that isn't both overly defensive and liberal. I don't care if you agree or not.

Am I supposed to be embarrased for being banned? Are you trying to shame me, lol?
Provide actual evidence of your claims, it's a rule in this forum.
03-20-2017 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Because you don't seem to understand the underlying problem. When people that can't afford healthcare get sick, those that can afford healthcare pick up the tab. That in turn, increases the cost among those that can afford it which in turn makes it harder for everyone to afford it.

Let's say I don't have health insurance. I work full time and make $20K a year. I fall and break my neck. I go to the hospital, get medical care, stay for 3-4 months, etc. I don't have healthcare. I am not paying for this. But the doctors, nurses, hospital employees, etc. still get paid. So who is paying for this? It's the ones that have healthcare. So because I can't pay my bills, you have to pay my bills for me.

But you don't want that. You want affordable healthcare for everyone, including me. So how do we do this? You can't just say "affordable healthcare!" and think the problem is solved. How does a guy making $20K a year afford healthcare so he gets the same care as a person making $2M a year? Unless you are saying the guy making $20K doesn't deserve the same care as the guy making $2M?
Good example, thank you for suggesting a real scenario. What do you think happened before Obamacare existed? Did you get thrown onto the street then?
03-20-2017 , 04:04 PM
We all know what happened before Obamacare existed. Literally every person itt knows that. lol blew
03-20-2017 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Provide actual evidence of your claims, it's a rule in this forum.

It's like you haven't heard that NYT bias is a thing.
03-20-2017 , 04:13 PM
These are Pulitzer Prizes awarded to the NY Times since 2010:
2010: Michael Moss, in Explanatory Reporting, for an investigative feature on food safety (e.g., contaminated meat); Matt Richtel, in National Reporting, for a series on the dangers of distracted driving; Sheri Fink of ProPublica in collaboration with The New York Times Magazine, in Investigative Reporting, for “The Deadly Choices At Memorial” about Hurricane Katrina survivors (award shared with the Philadelphia Daily News).[4][5]
2011: Clifford J. Levy and Ellen Barry, in International Reporting, for their “Above the Law” series, which examined abuse of power in Russia, showing how authorities had jailed, beaten or harassed citizens who opposed them; and David Leonhardt, in Commentary, for his weekly column “Economic Scene” which offered perspectives on the formidable problems confronting America, from creating jobs to recalibrating tax rates.[6]
2012: David Kocieniewski, in Explanatory Reporting, for his series on tax avoidance; and Jeffrey Gettleman, in International Reporting, for his reports on famine and conflict in East Africa.[7][8]
2013: David Barstow and Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab, in Investigative Reporting, for describing bribery by Walmart in Mexico; New York Times staff, in Explanatory Reporting, for examining global business practices of Apple Inc. and other technology companies; David Barboza, in International Reporting, for exposing corruption in the Chinese government; and John Branch, in Feature Writing, for "Snow Fall," a multimedia presentation about avalanches.[9]
2014: Tyler Hicks, in Breaking News Photography, for his compelling pictures that showed skill and bravery in documenting the unfolding terrorist attack at Westgate mall in Kenya; Josh Haner, in Feature Photography, for his moving essay on a Boston Marathon bomb blast victim who lost most of both legs and now is painfully rebuilding his life[10]
2015: Eric Lipton, in Investigative Reporting, for reporting that showed how the influence of lobbyists can sway congressional leaders and state attorneys general, slanting justice toward the wealthy and connected; New York Times staff, in International Reporting, for courageous front-line reporting and vivid human stories on Ebola in Africa, engaging the public with the scope and details of the outbreak while holding authorities accountable; Daniel Berehulak, in Feature Photography, for his gripping, courageous photographs of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa[11]
2016: Tyler Hicks, Mauricio Lima, Sergey Ponomarev and Daniel Etter for breaking news photography for coverage of the ongoing migrant crisis in Europe and the Middle East, and Alissa Rubin for international reporting for her coverage of the lives of women and girls in Afghanistan including the horrific murder of young Afghan woman who was beaten to death by a mob after being falsely accused of burning a Quran. John Woo and Adam Ellick produced a powerful accompanying video about the murder.[12]
03-20-2017 , 04:13 PM
Interestingly, many of those investigative reports would be described as "liberal" reporting by lew. But they're really reports on important human rights and corruption issues. It's sad that those are simply "liberal" issues now and not issues shared by both sides of the aisle.
03-20-2017 , 04:15 PM
Man, those were some awful awful links. I expected you to post an actual article, highlight bias yourself and explain it. Instead you went on some bad geocities pages that paid $5 for hosting.
03-20-2017 , 04:16 PM
Like, when did contaminated meat become an issue only liberals care about? Are conservatives just made of a tougher constitution so salmonella doesn't affect them?
03-20-2017 , 04:18 PM
Lew seriously cited the new york post as why the nyt is biased. This is like the Browns telling the Patriots they sick at football.
03-20-2017 , 04:20 PM
03-20-2017 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
"Hey lew, can you provide evidence the NYT is biased?"

"Of course I can, here's a New York Post opinion piece echoing my thoughts!"

On top of that, the main criticism in the "" (lol) article appears to be tweets made by NYT reporters on their personal accounts, not reporting published in the newspaper.

Your attempts to show bias in reporting printed by the paper are, so far, woefully inadequate.
03-20-2017 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Man, those were some awful awful links. I expected you to post an actual article, highlight bias yourself and explain it.
And I thought AWice had already locked up the "least realistic expectations" award for life.
03-20-2017 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Where "threat to democracy" is defined as "too many brown people voting".
03-20-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Interestingly, many of those investigative reports would be described as "liberal" reporting by lew. But they're really reports on important human rights and corruption issues. It's sad that those are simply "liberal" issues now and not issues shared by both sides of the aisle.
I don't disagree that human rights and corruption are important issues.
03-20-2017 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Devin Nunes has 0% chance of not being re elected fyi

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahshshahahhaahahahahahhahahashahs hshahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahhahahahhahahHahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahshshahahhaahahahahahhahahashahshshaha hahahahahahahahahhahaahhahhahahahhahahHahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahshshahahhaahahahahahhahahashahshshahahahaha hahahahahahhahaahhahhahahahhahahHahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hshshahahhaahahahahahhahahashahshshahahahahahahaha hahahhahaahhahhahahahhahahHahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshsha hahhaahahahahahhahahashahshshahahahahahahahahahahh ahaahhahhahahahhahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshshahahhaa hahahahahhahahashahshshahahahahahahahahahahhahaahh ahhahahahhahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshshahahhaahahaha hahhahahashahshshahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahhaha hahhahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahshshahahHahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahshshahahhaahahahahahhahahashahshshahahahahahah ahahahahhahaahhahhahahahhahahhaahahahahahhahahasha hshshahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahhahahahhahah
03-20-2017 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
"Hey lew, can you provide evidence the NYT is biased?"

"Of course I can, here's a New York Post opinion piece echoing my thoughts!"

On top of that, the main criticism in the "" (lol) article appears to be tweets made by NYT reporters on their personal accounts, not reporting published in the newspaper.

Your attempts to show bias in reporting printed by the paper are, so far, woefully inadequate.
It's a near lock he didn't read any of his own links.
03-20-2017 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
I don't disagree that human rights and corruption are important issues.
Great. So we agree that Jeff Sessions must resign, since he lied to Congress under oath during his confirmation hearings.
03-20-2017 , 04:35 PM
There's no way a Supreme Court justice can be confirmed of a President who is under active criminal investigation. The hearings must be paused until we get to the bottom of this.
03-20-2017 , 04:35 PM
I wish we has signatures so einbert could just add this to his.

-Jeff Sessions must resign, since he lied to Congress under oath during his confirmation hearings.
03-20-2017 , 04:37 PM
Healthcare should be a human right in America like it is in every other developed country and some developing countries.

Personal motives of politicians get in the way of doing what's right. Typical.
03-20-2017 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
These are Pulitzer Prizes awarded to the NY Times since 2010:
How is this relevant? Being a journalist that happens to be liberal doesn't mean that you can't write an excellent piece. When it comes, specifically, to politics I would just typically choose other sources because my perception is that they're more biased than average on that topic.

Based on a 5 minute search, I acknowledge there are fewer scientific studies on media bias than I thought. I also acknowledge the links I provided were garbage. I will try harder next time.
