Originally Posted by David Sklansky View Post
Not what you said originally. Two of your cohorts have already disavowed your words. And the rest of your words are delusional. Among politicians I would think the best president would be Bloomberg. Followed by a healthy Bill Clinton. But I haven't studied the issues enough be sure.
Here is my challenge for you David. Study the issues more. I want you to take a logical hacksaw to your negative income tax idea, for example.
The thing is that we have to push solutions that are feasible in the short term, while pushing towards things that are more ideal in the long term--and just going in that direction somehow in the short term. Instead of pushing for negative income tax, spending your political capital trying to fight AHCA instead would be much more helpful in the short-term. The Affordable Care Act was, in many ways, one of the most significant pieces of civil rights legislation in recent history. It secured important benefits for people like the right to get health insurance even if they had a pre-existing condition, the right to know that they are safely covered under the ten mandatory guidelines for all health insurance programs in the Affordable Care Act (for example mental health care). They know that if they somehow lose their main job, they can get health insurance at a reasonable price through the health insurance exchanges in each state or even be covered under Medicaid if things get tough enough. Trump wants to roll all of that back. He wants to make it much more difficult for working and middle class families to even GET health insurance, let alone quality health insurance that they know their family will be taken care of after they've paid in hundreds of dollars a month for years.
Marginal cost versus marginal benefit is at the core of all of these questions just like in poker. And the political uphill battle to get something wonky like negative income tax means it's not worth it right now, when we should be fighting this very winnable battle of saving the Affordable Care Act.
So in other words, this ISN'T a thought experiment. This is real life. We have to be practical about these things. But I really would like for you to put more effort in and get more engaged. I would like to see some of your more sharpened political opinions after that happens.