Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Is there a story about Trump getting those "yes" from GOP Congressmen? Who is he talking about?
It was 12 yeses and they were great yeses. Some of the best yeses you have ever heard. Most of the yeses were no at first, some maybes, but now they are yeses and we are going to get great health care. The best. My health care will make you so healthy your head will spin. Obama care sucks ass and is going to die. It's dead of we wait a year or some ****. My brain works. It feels mushy but it seems to work pretty good I think. Cock.
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Serious question for the politics brain trust. If an NK nuke somehow reaches LA - what kind is it? Is it one of those ones where you need thalium pills or whatever? Let's say I'm not killed by the initial blast. Should I just duct tape all the cracks around my doors and windows and and try to ride it out?
Luckily I'm near the ocean and the prevailing winds usually blow East. Unless the Santa Anas are blowing - that would suck.
Use that red pill you chew in school to see how much plaque is on your teeth.