Originally Posted by wheatrich
It's probably negative. Pisses off Russia, Montenegro ain't gonna pay up, more stuff I'm not thinking of atm. This extra bases is ridic, we've already got the world covered pretty well.
I disagree with your take on this 100%. We do have a responsibility to the workday. The ones who don't agree with that are Steve Bannon disciples.
As for pissing off Russia lol who cares let's piss them off every chance we can. Right now they are in violation of a nuclear arms treaty.
Honestly if I wasn't more familiar with your posts I would think you were a pre election trump propagandist focused on nationalism at the cost of the world and being worried about upsetting Russia. Those were two standard planks of trump supporters during the election.
There is nothing that will bring an end to the US holding any significance faster than just shutting our eyes and putting on our xenophobic cloak AND ignoring the biggest threat to relative global peace and tranquility in Russia.