Originally Posted by Clovis8
Please for the love of god everyone stop with this 4D chess bull****. They are grossly incompetent not Machiavelli.
Trump's personality is a master of getting people to hate others. He's a complete moron in a lot of aspects. Dunno whether it's fortunate or unfortunate yet he's incredibly impatient. He thinks about scheming a lot so some of this is due to that, hence people getting confused since he also likes to improvise and do random stupid ****.
They will back down but you gotta force them to. Also they will not rise up when needed. They will come at anyone who ever said one sentence bad about them like a pack of rabid dogs, I dunno how america is gonna survive 4 years of this much less 8 or whatever, I mean they'll survive but america won't look like america that's for sure. He's gonna try to do everything he said the first time as soon as he can get away with it.
Also his personality does not joke. They're incapable of it.
Or at least that was my experience with my own life, so far it's been the exact same damn thing out of trump. Needless to say, I'm very against this.
tl;dr WAAF.
Last edited by wheatrich; 03-15-2017 at 09:39 PM.