Originally Posted by bobman0330
lol @ Conway thinking that your microwave can spy on you. Any idiot knows that it's only your television, Amazon Echo, iphone, and laptop webcam that can be used that way!
Conway was asked specifically about Trump's surveillance claims -- that Obama tapped his phones. That he personally was spied on by Obama. Obviously the Internet of Things is real and devices have an internet connection and cameras, and yes, they can be controlled remotely to spy.
But jabbering about that in response to the specific claims Trump made is an obvious non-sequitur and the criticism of Conway is valid.
If Trump said space aliens abducted him and Conway said long-distance interstellar travel by extraterrestrials using worm-holes is possible, and everyone was like "lol Conway," would you be like well actually a Harvard astrophysicist says interstellar travel via
fast wave radio bursts is possible, jokes on you, Conway is vindicated?