Originally Posted by Grue
How often does this come up and how?!
Not all that often. Some people are fine with it. Most don't care.
As far as what I mentioned, one incident involved guys having a religious discussion about Sunday Mass at a decidedly right-wing card game I attended, where I didn't know all the people there that well, and someone involved in the discussion asking me if I attended services, followed by them flipping out and ranting about young people "losing their way" and being "indoctrinated by college".
Another consisted of a much older guy I work with who lives very close to me asking if I and my wife would like to join some Christian organization he belonged to. I politely declined. He asked me the same thing the next 10 times he saw me. I finally stated that I wasn't Christian, or anything, and thus wouldn't be interested in attending. Started muttering to himself about non-believers and how people's lives were empty without Christ, etc. Same guy months later decided to inform the women in our office that he wouldn't go to the beach because of the bikinis there are a continuation of sin caused by the snake causing Eve to realize she was naked. I'm not making this up.
My wife's mother belongs to a Reformist Church. As far as I can tell, they're progressive and accepting of the LGBTQ community, no issues with abortion or contraception, not Trump nuts, etc. However, she persists in constantly asking people to pray or attend Church despite fully knowing that those people have no interest/are atheists/both.