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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

03-06-2017 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Something history something something doomed


Bro the democratic party nominee was PRAISING KISSINGER!

Democratic party nominee didn't win the election

As far as I can tell
03-06-2017 , 03:48 AM
PocketChads is right there. The battle against the candidate who is best friends with Kissinger was lost last summer. The battle now isn't even to get HRC in office, it's to resist whatever Trump can do and get Pence in office, but it's still worth fighting.
03-06-2017 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan

The world needs more Greenwald's, not less. Take some heat.

It's "fewer" tho

And I don't know why it's so important that I take some heat

It almost reads like you're tired of taking so much heat, and you want others to share some of it

But you're a liberal? So Greenwald is criticizing you, right? The lib media is letting you off the hook for all the heat that you should be getting
03-06-2017 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Something history something something doomed


Bro the democratic party nominee was PRAISING KISSINGER!

The world needs more Greenwald's, not less. Take some heat.
Dan Greenwald
03-06-2017 , 03:51 AM
03-06-2017 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Explain what you meant, then, by "take some heat."

Who do you think you're explaining everything to itt? Because so far it's not unreasonable to interpret all your posts as coming from someone who sees anyone antiTrump as Dem establishment
03-06-2017 , 04:03 AM
HastenDan is as much a liberal as Michael Jordan is a baseball player.
03-06-2017 , 04:06 AM
Jordan's .202 batting average in the AA Southern League was actually really ****ing impressive. I feel very confident that half the hitters in a random first round wouldn't top that in a full season if you just stuck them in there with no time at lower levels.

And those are guys who hadn't gone ten years (or whatever it was) without swinging a bat!

AA is the make or break level where hype goes to die, and the Southern League has long been the pitchers league in AA, and really all levels. It was moreso in 1994.
03-06-2017 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
Explain what you meant, then, by "take some heat."

Who do you think you're explaining everything to itt? Because so far it's not unreasonable to interpret all your posts as coming from someone who sees anyone antiTrump as Dem establishment
You stated that you find Greenwald is "warping a narrative as 'business as usual'" and that it is "completely ****ed up".

To that I say, what?

Even if your assertion is correct to begin with (which is being pretty forgiving), I contend that not paying enough and proper attention to these things you yourself labeled 'abhorrent acts of the state' is a net negative to civilization.

To which end I point out that the nominee for president of the democratic party was someone who PRAISED HENRY KISSINGER! And the other was Donald Trump!

People saying that Greenwald and Snowden are Kremlin assets is INSANE.

You think that Greenwald's method of journalism is "completely f'd up"!

I think that if there were more Greenwald's in the world, we would not have been choosing between DFTrump and an establishment neoliberal that praises a war criminal.
03-06-2017 , 04:31 AM
it's not insane to theorize a guy leaking america secrets then fleeing to russia at least was a kremlin asset deliberate or not.
03-06-2017 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
Jordan's .202 batting average in the AA Southern League was actually really ****ing impressive. I feel very confident that half the hitters in a random first round wouldn't top that in a full season if you just stuck them in there with no time at lower levels.

And those are guys who hadn't gone ten years (or whatever it was) without swinging a bat!

AA is the make or break level where hype goes to die, and the Southern League has long been the pitchers league in AA, and really all levels. It was moreso in 1994.
What was Jordan's line drive rate though?

Trump can't push anything through. He can't even visit a shipyard or go home for a weekend without a scandal overshadowing it. And he supposedly has both majorities in congress. this should be a piece of cake, name a justice, repeal Obamacare, wait for republicans to put together a voucher or something, yell at north korea on twitter every couple of weeks. Instead, he can barely keep his inner circle together. No one is even sure when press secretary and surrogates are contradicting him.
03-06-2017 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think the answer to your question is "because everyone else is, and nobody is critically looking at Democrats besides Republican hacks". But that's just me guessing.

Aye, I'd rather it be GG than Ol' HastenDan doing it.
03-06-2017 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
it's not insane to theorize a guy leaking america secrets then fleeing to russia at least was a kremlin asset deliberate or not.
Has there ever been a spy before that pretended to be a whistleblower and leaked his info to the public? Like, if he was actually a Kremlin asset, doesn't it seem kind of dumb to tell the whole world everything he knew too?

I wouldn't call it "insane" because at a super basic level (hurt America! bad! now in Russia! double bad!) it makes sense, but like, bring any level of context/detail/nuance and it becomes pretty stupid pretty fast.
03-06-2017 , 05:20 AM
I don't even look at WhatAboutDan as a secret trumper or anti-liberal, more like a teenager from back when I was a teenager who wore the anarchy necklaces and had the 'die yuppie scum' patches on their army surplus jackets. Like, he just learned words mean things at the beginning of 2016 and thinks Bernie's policies are new and top-secret and The Man plus The Fat Cats In Washington don't want you to know about them.
03-06-2017 , 06:45 AM
Trump and all trumpers, soon:

He doesn’t make speeches any more. He has become speechless. He stays in his home, but it doesn’t seem to agree with him. How furious he must be, now that he’s been taken at his word.
03-06-2017 , 07:24 AM
To a certain extent I can understand Greenwald's frustration. I suppose the closest allegory I can draw is to issues like racial justice. Consider something like the Trump's America thread, which chronicles all sorts of bits of violence, harassment, and all around misery caused by legions of America's angry right-wingers. That thread is in many ways a microcosm of the media at large, who is now more interested than ever on reporting on those stories.

To an extent that's useful and good but on the other hand -- it's incredibly frustrating. All of the jokers who are running around America bullying dark skinned people and harassing Muslims and toting guns around threatening their political enemies were all here before Trump doing lots of the same things. The right-wing media, much of it 'respectable' -- like AM radio and Fox News -- had been veering into white supremacy for decades, riling up white resentment for fun and profit and political leverage. The Republican Party was co-opted by these clownshow entertainers whose primary goal is to foment anger and resentment and paranoia at modernity and foreigners and women and black people.

But most importantly, it's been a slow-burn process over like 40 years. It was really predictable. These were significant problems before Trump; in many ways you could see Trump style politics coming from long ago and far away. You could plainly tell the increasing paranoia and anger boiling over in white America and you could see there was a whole cottage industry of entertainers who intended to keep the water boiling at the brim, I feel like there have been plenty of people, particularly media elites and Democratic establishment types, and certainly Republicans -- who either quietly seethed when this was pointed out or just ignored it as partisan spiel -- because it was politically inconvenient, or financially inconvenient. Or they simply just didn't believe it and wanted to believe in tropes about bipartisanship and consensus building and that they were really opposed by good-faith Republicans instead of the reality. That the Republican Party is just a vehicle controlled by a minority wealthy ideologues whose primary concern in politics is their own fortune, and whose critical mass of support comes from unhinged maniacs.

And now -- at the apex of these deranged lunatics taking over the asylum -- Breitbart and Mark Levin and Trump manufacture complete nonsense conspiracies out of whole-cloth, and scores of white people take to the streets to vandalize Jewish cemeteries and wave their guns around at immigrants or whatever -- NOW everyone is like "oh wow, hmm, look at this country, turns out it's full of unhinged violent morons immune to reason and titillated only by stories of white victimization, real shame this all recently emerged, who could have seen this coming? THANKS TRUMP." Obviously Trump is terrible and deserves criticism but he stands at the top of a skyscraper where the bottom 150 floors were constructed by a generation of unscrupulous scam artists and fellow-traveler haters, political leaders, media elites who flattered and aggrandized the whole movement.

It's great to eventually have allies but you can't help but feel cynical -- that a lot of this is simply a matter of style and political convenience. That some large portion of the Democratic and even GOP establishment now faux outraged by racist maniacs were willing to ignore them and leave them to their devices if not cater to them so long as they weren't propelling true imbeciles to victory. That some large portion of the mainstream media elites are responding to Trump's boorishness and fascistic tendencies handling of themselves rather than what he represents; that someone who instead had all of the Bannon style white resentment politics but was far better at public relations political machinations would return us back to the days when pointing out the paranoid racial animus of huge amounts of white people was shrill alarmism and debilitating to the national fabric. That once Trump's gone, the rotten core of this whole thing will live on and we'll engage in a 21st Century style post Reconstruction where future Trump Dunning School theorists will blame the whole thing on the lack of jobs and how corrupt big city liberal political machines took all the money and jobs and left poor white helpless because of scamming and crooked liberal deals, and shrill liberal carpetbaggers just moved too quickly on their racial justice and identity politics and were simply far too pushy with the nice white majority who simply wanted nothing more than live peacefully and embrace racial transcendence before uppity wire-tappy criminal Barack Obama and his ilk of politically correct thugs had to go bother everyone. Can we just let bygones and be bygones and all become moderate Republicans again, because remember when we didn't and then THAT thing with Trump happened, see what happens when you let angry liberals get everyone aroused and agitated?

To Greenwald's defense, then, I think you can see that the things he cares deeply about like civil liberties and the risks of the surveillance state and the damage caused by America's global empire building -- they just happen to be the kind of things that the political opposition party leverages for temporal political gain then drops immediately. And the sort of things I'm talking about -- our highly degraded political culture is the result of aggrandizing the whims of revanchist dispossessed white people, and that all the predictable outcomes of that are currently generating a bit of alarm despite the fact it's been persistently extreme and highly dangerous and destructive -- you can tell that story is largely a kluge for people. A temporary tool to hammer Trump with and then will be quickly forgotten about and revised once he's out of office.

Last edited by DVaut1; 03-06-2017 at 07:31 AM.
03-06-2017 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
it's not insane to theorize a guy leaking america secrets then fleeing to russia at least was a kremlin asset deliberate or not.
except for the whole "gave info to journalists and not a foreign power" thing. And going public.
The logic just doesn't work.

As for Greenwald, he's a journalist, not an activist. His interest is getting the truth out. The MSM keeps spreading headlines based on ****ty information and IC leaks. Sources, even in a position to know, are not proof. GG can be insufferable, but listen to what he's saying.

Take the Yemen raid. Multiple, overwhelming, leaks indicate no useful intel gained. Trump says there was. The truth? We have no idea. Both sides have incentive to lie. Leakers for tactical advantage in war on terror, or to discourage more raids. Trump to cover his ass. Yet all we hear is media yelling "More Trump lies". What happens if in a year it's finally revealed that there was actionable intelligence gained? FAKE NEWS and lying media.
03-06-2017 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Again, what the anti-Trump forces need is solidarity.
i'm not going to stand in solidarity with people who choose to attack the left or engage in a bunch of whataboutism in favor of going hard at trump. how could these people even claim to be on my team?
03-06-2017 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
That piece is not remotely an anti-Trump piece. In fact, the main thrust of the article is that Trump's use of the widow for propaganda is completely normal for US presidents.

This is standard for Greenwald, who invariably uses all events, no matter how horrifying, as an opportunity to get on his high horse about hypocrisy in America. Trump botches a raid in Yemen and kills an 8 year old girl? OBAMA DRONES BAD!. Trump bans Muslims? Just a continuation of American rhetoric in the War on Terror. Conservative fake news wrecking the very foundation of public discourse? LIBERALS DO IT TOOOOOO!

If you read nothing but Greenwald since November, you would think that the media were being hysterical about Russia, but you would also not even recognise that anything out of the ordinary was going on in the office of the POTUS, because Greenwald ties everything bad Trump does back to longstanding American policy. It is, of course, great to call out hypocrisy when it occurs. But when that's what you do EVERY ARTICLE, it becomes an exercise in obfuscation, both of morality and of causality. The fake news piece is a good example; why the **** is he writing an entire article about one isolated incident rather than engaging with the real world problem? Greenwald's fans appear to think this sort of attention-seeking contrarianism is the height of intellectual discourse.
Also, multiple people are advancing the "he's a journalist not an activist" line, and the links you cited are great counterexamples. All of them are just (painfully long) blog posts, not reporting. On a brief skim, I didn't see any original reporting in any of them. To the extent there's a meaningful difference between journalism and activism, Greenwald is writing as an activist, not a journalist at all. (Obviously reporting on Snowden was original reporting, and I thought it was good work.) His recent piece on why no one should be mean to Russia is another example; it's just a takedown of a piece of actual journalism with sources and stuff. It's perfectly fair to wonder why Greenwald's opinion pieces have such an obsessive focus on slamming Obama and HRC, undermining criticism of Russia, and likening Trump's aberrant behavior to prior admistrations' policies.

EDIT: Here's Greenwald expressing his old justification for attacking Hillary during the general: "When you’re a journalist, I think your role ought to be to be adversarial to people who wield the greatest power..." Now that Trump has the power and Hillary and Obama are both has-beens, he continues to go after them and soft-pedal his Trump criticism. *thinking emoji*

Last edited by bobman0330; 03-06-2017 at 08:50 AM.
03-06-2017 , 08:48 AM
03-06-2017 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
it's not insane to theorize a guy leaking america secrets then fleeing to russia at least was a kremlin asset deliberate or not.
'Fleeing to Russia'

You mean passing through Russia on his way to Cuba, then Ecuador - the country that he was actually trying to seek asylum in? That he was unable to go to because the US cancelled his passport and trapped him in Russia, for precisely this reason - so that people would assume he was a traitor and not a whistleblower?

And having been trapped in Russia, he had the choice between staying there indefinitely or returning to the US to face a potential 30 year sentence under the Espionage Act, which does not allow him to present a public interest defence , and does not require the government to show he actually harmed national security, meaning that his conviction is guaranteed.

So given these circumstances, and that choice, he stayed in Russia. OMG RUSSIAN SPY
03-06-2017 , 08:52 AM
The joke is on you guys, he's actually IMPROVING his approval ratings since the start of the year.

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?
Approve Disapprove No opinion
March 1-4, 2017 45% 52% 3%
Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, 2017 44% 53% 3%
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his presidential transition?
Approve Disapprove No opinion
Donald Trump
2017 Jan 12-15 40 52 8

And the only thing that really ever matters....

Approve Disapprove No opinion
The economy
March 1-4, 2017 55% 41% 4%
03-06-2017 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
and despite this existential threat to our nation, 29% of the country is still completely asleep

30% WOAT seems about right
03-06-2017 , 08:54 AM
03-06-2017 , 08:56 AM

We must have a special prosecutor TODAY! And Jeff Sessions must resign as Attorney General. He lied to the American people, UNDER OATH, on crucial matters of national security!
