Originally Posted by jman220
I think this would be a good time to explain how a wiretap actually works, as a prosecutor who has actually done wiretaps, because if you understand how a wiretap is done you understand how ****ing ludicrous trump's claim is and how every republican congressperson who has ever been a prosecutor or defense attorney knows its ludicrous:
Wiretaps are not done like in spy movies where somebody physically goes to someone's house (or in this case trump tower) and places some kind of "bug." A wiretap is done by a prosecutor, either state or federal, pursuing a legal application pursuant to 28 USC 2703 and some other federal and state statutes (depending on whether its a state prosecutor or a federal prosecutor), wherein the prosecutor presents an application to a judge that there is essentially probable cause to believe a crime has been committed, that evidence of the crime will be discovered by monitoring communications, that it can be done narrowly, and a few other odds and ends that I am leaving out for brevity. Once that application is approved by a judge, the prosecutor then sends the signed wiretap/trap & trace order to the phone company and the phone company installs a device on their line to allow the law enforcement agency to monitor the communications. . So the idea that Obama himself, somehow "tapped" Trump's phones is ****ing ludicrous, it's simply not how it works.
How does it work on the phone company's part? Does someone have to physically go to the phone being monitored or can it be done by a supervisor from the office? Would the person actually doing it know whom is being monitored? I can't imagine Sal the repairman from AT&T showing up and being like "Hi Mr. Trump, I'm here to "fix" your phone."
It's hilarious that Trump probably thinks someone sneaked into his office 007 style. Nefarious! Sad!