Originally Posted by 13ball
Trump isn't going to build an entire wall. He's going to build a few sections in populated areas and say he built the whole thing. And his followers will believe him.
In fairness, the joke remains on us normals. Almost on Day 1, Hour 1 of the transition, right after Trump was signaling guys like Priebus would be in power and Paul Ryan and Mike Pence would set the agenda, some short-sighted liberals started cackling things like LOL, drain the swamp?! To which the Trumpkins all just said lol, we just mean get rid of Barack Obama and his liberal ilk and other criminal Democrats like the Clintons, you know,
the swamp. Your fault if you thought that meant generic populism, we knew what he meant all along.
So remember some of these dudes are just flat out authoritarian bootlickers, so whatever Trump does is retroactively whatever he meant, even if he said the opposite in plain English ("So what if US taxpayers foot the bill for the wall? When Trump said Mexico would pay for it, he just meant they will pay for their years of sending their criminal layabouts to America, and they will! No more free lunch!").
And then another set of Trumpkins, and there's overlap with the "whatever Daddy said is right" crowd -- but another set are just hardcore right-wing angry racists who just hate browns and are happy to simply get signaling and sabre-rattling that America is about to lock-down and kick the illegals to the curb, or will happily take stop-and-frisk-for-documents or border dronez or whatever other clever bait and switch thing instead of an actual wall. A figurative wall.
It's trite but they take him seriously, not literally. ****, they're happy if he's just trolling liberals, cosmopolitan elites, whatever. Remember for tons of these people their real, overriding interest in politics is that they're miserable idiots enamored with Pepe and white identity and making liberals mad and sad, and no amount of Trump contradicting himself or failing to live up to his promises is going to bother them that much. Promises, dignity, honoring your words, having a goal and an outcome and wanting to see it come to fruition? That's for normals. Many Trumpkins aspire to something else and aren't going to be rattled by the Orange One being proven a liar, inept, ineffective, or anything like that. Most of them appear, as best I can tell, to be nursing wounds from some time they think a liberal sneered at them or called them a racist on the internet or stewing over how none of the girls in high school wanted to **** them or whatever makes these fruitcakes tick and they are not THAT interested in the wall, strictly speaking.
Last edited by DVaut1; 01-26-2017 at 11:09 AM.