Originally Posted by Namath12
What all these tweets have in common, as with most things Greenwald does, is that he was echoing the same sentiments during the Bush and Obama administrations, something zero of his detractors could claim. The difference is that we all loved it when he pointed out the hypocrisy of Republicans during the Bush era (he wrote
an entire book about it), enjoyed it less so when he did it to Democrats as the party in power, and
really didn't enjoy it when he didn't take the popular path of going easier on Clinton because of who her opponent was.
Originally Posted by Namath12
basically the whole "WE-CAN'T-KNOW-THE-TRUTH-ABOUT-ANYTHING-EVER-WITHOUT-ON-THE-RECORD-SOURCING" schtick is just tired and busted. Yes it's great to get info from people who are willing to put their name on it, no it's not smart to just handwaive everything simply because the source who leaked the info would rather not be blasted in the face with polonium-laced hairspray. Come on.
I happen to think he goes overboard on that angle as well, but again, this is consistency he's displayed since Bush-era officials used the same tactic to sell the Iraq War and to try to justify terrible things they did like torture by sending anonymous officials to sell giant classified stories of all the great intel it got us.
I think the problem people have with Greenwald is that they look at him with the same partisan angle they look at all pundits with. A Republican right now saying "look at Claire McCaskill" is obviously doing it to distract from Sessions and try to normalize it. When Greenwald says "look at Claire McCaskill" he's categorically
not excusing Sessions' behavior, it's because he genuinely detests lying from politicians and it genuinely angers him that people are only bothered about one kind of lying right now, even if that lying (because it was under oath) is objectively worse (which he acknowledges by calling for Sessions to recuse himself at a minimum).