Originally Posted by suzzer99
LOOOL at building a 2000 mile wall for $8-$14B. Try changing that to a $8T. In LA 10 miles of carpool lane on the 405 cost $1B+ and took like 8 years.
You need to lower your shook level from a 37/10 to like a 13/10.
Just spit balling here, but there hasn't been 8T worth of public infrastructure spending in the entire US, state + local + federal, this millenium.
Hell the total value of US infrastruture is probably <40T dollars for everything!
If you even Buffetted, you would know that for around 7T dollars you could own all the farmland in the United States, 7 Exxon Mobils, and still have a trillion dollars in walking around money!!!
Try injecting a little perspective into your rants.
Last edited by thenewsavman; 01-26-2017 at 02:22 AM.