Originally Posted by ElMastermind
I'm inclined to think that a move away from access based journalism toward completely unbiased (as much as is possible given the facts) and even at times confrontational journalism is a good thing. While I enjoyed the WHCD's I've viewed (all of them since Colbert spoke in 2006), it is not some institution in need of protection.
However, it would be quite entertaining to watch Trump get roasted beyond belief and see him fire back. SAD!
I think the most frightening element of Trump's anti-media rhetoric is that simple and TRUE facts are discarded as lies (aka FAKE). Ignoring negative press is one thing, but to call the free press the "opposition party" and "enemy of the American people" is quite opposite of the truth.
Dissent is historically American.
If any of you haven't read Sinclair Lewis' book
It Can't Happen Here I suggest you take the time and do.
He said it best:
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."