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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-23-2018 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
I missed this earlier today, but mystery company, owned by mystery foreign government, has asked the Supreme Court to step in.

The three fifty amendment protects companies, operating in the US, owned by foreign governments.
12-23-2018 , 05:34 AM
12-23-2018 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by Paul D
I don't how to measure National Parks against other places in the world, but there are parts of the Swiss Alps that nothing I've seen here can measure up to.
I've been to the Swiss Alps (just the area around Interlaken/Lauterbrunnen) and I've been to Glacier National Park and I would easily take the latter. That said, certainly some countries have amazing national parks that trump the US, no pun intended, in certain categories. But the US has incredible variety. Switzerland does not have a Zion, or a Grand Canyon, or a Hawaii, or a Great Smoky Mountains, etc etc.
12-23-2018 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
This is a great non-answer. Or an answer to a different question. America doesn't have to lead in any single metric for it to be the best overall (To be clear, I'm neither claiming that it is or isn't, I was just curious about what countries eyebooger had in mind. But anyone is welcome to respond).

Let's just make it easy: actually name one or more countries.
Norway, Denmark, Iceland, The Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, Ireland, Germany. I'll leave Australia out of the conversation (I think it's debatable fwiw). I would personally choose to live in the United States over a few of those, but then I'm an intelligent cis straight white guy with no financial problems.
12-23-2018 , 06:12 AM
My recent travels have led me to believe that most large American cities, aesthetically speaking, are generally unappealing places. This is likely influenced by my familiarity with your typical American city. So I'm probably less likely to find them eye-catching. There are some bits that are nice but that's normally relative to their immediate surroundings. I've seen residential areas of countries that look more amazing than the best parts of American cities.

My lack of a car and driver's license keeps me from enjoying national parks and other areas of beauty while I'm here. It's a shame.


The whole America GOAT country is infuriating. It's second to military fetishization in my pet peeves. I guess if your metrics are military budgets and number of propped up dictatorships in third world countries, then sure it is. But I choose to live outside of America and find that life there is better than America. I don't work myself to death. I have free healthcare and can easily live without private transportation. Sure the weather is **** in Scotland but it's cold and rainy in America too.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 12-23-2018 at 06:19 AM.
12-23-2018 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Being married in Vegas pretty much disqualifies you from judging.
Is there a better way to tie the knot and avoid paying £20k for a day you won't enjoy with a load of people you don't really like?
12-23-2018 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by surftheiop
gtfo with this complaint unless you want another 4 years of Trump. There are at least plausible arguments to support it (like GDP) and we are never going to win the presidency running on a platform of being a overall ****ty country. If we want things like universal healthcare in USA need to come from the angle of being the GOAT overall country, so we should have a better health system than everyone else.
If to support universal healthcare Americans have to believe their country's the greatest nation ever, maybe it's better they don't get it. The ROW has got pretty sick of hearing US politicians and celebs beating the drum about being the greatest nation on earth etc. when we see multiple shoot ups every year, institutionalised racism and casual invasions of other countries for non-benevolent reasons.

The challenge of the left should be to convince Americans that they're part of a global community in which no country is "better" than the others, and to dissuade jingoism and drum-beating.

You could start by getting rid of the stupidity of playing the national anthem every day at school,.
12-23-2018 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Probably a personality thing but I am way more excited by a street full of asian food and cute office ladies than any national park. just looking at those photos i feel like i am going to get eaten by a bear, fall off a bike trail and be left for dead or sodomized by Trump voters.
Yea you are missing out if you haven't visited national parks. I've been to at least 10 if not 20. Never seen a bear or a bike trail.

Seriously, national parks for the most part are ****ing awesome.
12-23-2018 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by epcfast
Is there a better way to tie the knot and avoid paying £20k for a day you won't enjoy with a load of people you don't really like?
Yea, the more I visit Vegas, the more I think getting married there is a brilliant idea. Is there a single downside to getting married there?
12-23-2018 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
No guns allowed in National Parks. (I don't think) Trump voters are on BLM or National Forest land riding ATVs, snowmobiles and shooting animals.
They are. In fact they were (re)allowed in 2010 under the Obama administration, despite the fact that he was in the process of "taking our guns"!
12-23-2018 , 08:41 AM
Well there's having to go to Vegas, that's a pretty big one imo.
12-23-2018 , 09:20 AM
"How did this happen? Who is responsible for plunging America into this dystopian fever dream in which the resolution of every issue of global consequence hinges on the whims of an angry old man, expressed 280 characters at a time, with no regard for standard capitalization conventions?"

Thought this was a great part of this article.

When tweets cry
12-23-2018 , 09:28 AM
But despite Trump’s repeated claims that “people are saying Merry Christmas again” instead of the more inclusive “happy holidays”, there are several places where the Christmas greeting is absent: Trump’s own businesses.

The Trump Store, for example. Instead of a Christmas gift guide – which surely would be more in keeping with the president’s stated desire for the phrase to be used – the store offers a holiday gift guide.
Trump companies wage their own War on Christmas
12-23-2018 , 09:44 AM
At this point isn't leaving office with these crimes hanging over his head worse for Trump than getting it all taken care of while still in office with some kind of deal/resignation? His kids and his organization are in danger and don't have the same protection he does.

I don't think he's getting impeached but the odds he doesn't finish his term are considerable.

He's also not getting re-elected. His rating among independents has plunged and there are a lot of people who won't vote for him again.

He'll make a deal and leave office.
12-23-2018 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
If to support universal healthcare Americans have to believe their country's the greatest nation ever, maybe it's better they don't get it. The ROW has got pretty sick of hearing US politicians and celebs beating the drum about being the greatest nation on earth etc. when we see multiple shoot ups every year, institutionalised racism and casual invasions of other countries for non-benevolent reasons.

The challenge of the left should be to convince Americans that they're part of a global community in which no country is "better" than the others, and to dissuade jingoism and drum-beating.

You could start by getting rid of the stupidity of playing the national anthem every day at school,.

Yeah but the rest of the world paying so much attention to USA politics (or even caring about it at all) exactly demonstrates the massive power/influence/“greatness” of the US. Hell, less than half our population has managed to destabilize the entire world by voting for a senile reality TV show character.
12-23-2018 , 10:04 AM
USA#1 at NATO contributions. Pick it up ROW. We are carrying you.
12-23-2018 , 10:04 AM
Great as in big or even important, of course. But that's not what people mean by great, usually.
12-23-2018 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
This is a great non-answer. Or an answer to a different question. America doesn't have to lead in any single metric for it to be the best overall (To be clear, I'm neither claiming that it is or isn't, I was just curious about what countries eyebooger had in mind. But anyone is welcome to respond).

Let's just make it easy: actually name one or more countries.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Norway, Denmark, Iceland, The Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, Ireland, Germany. I'll leave Australia out of the conversation (I think it's debatable fwiw). I would personally choose to live in the United States over a few of those, but then I'm an intelligent cis straight white guy with no financial problems.
Basically all of these and more.

I could go on, but I don't really want to completely derail the thread. My initial complaint was about my hatred for people saying "USA#1" unironically.

Who wants to hear that, even if it was true? Do any of you have a friend who constantly brags that they are "the best person"?
12-23-2018 , 10:07 AM
I'd add a few to Chris's list of better places to live - basically all of Western Europe and some of Asia.
12-23-2018 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by kre8tive

Thought this was a great part of this article.

When tweets cry

"The moment I found out Trump could tweet himself was comparable to the moment in 'Jurassic Park' when Dr. Grant realized that velociraptors could open doors," recalled McConney, who was the Trump Organization’s director of social media from 2011 to 2017. "I was like, 'Oh no.'"

12-23-2018 , 10:12 AM
I love how people get fired up when arguing with USA#1.
It doesn't matter if USA is indeed #1 by any metric on any area of life.
What matters is that any person who comes up with a USA#1 tirade sounds like a dangerous lunatic and every person with half a brain hearing that is usually laughing out loud and/or scared.

you toolio
12-23-2018 , 10:18 AM

( twitter | raw text )
12-23-2018 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
"The moment I found out Trump could tweet himself was comparable to the moment in 'Jurassic Park' when Dr. Grant realized that velociraptors could open doors," recalled McConney, who was the Trump Organization’s director of social media from 2011 to 2017. "I was like, 'Oh no.'"

*looks at picture of Trump*

Clever girl
12-23-2018 , 10:22 AM
Drones and all of the rest are wonderful and lots of fun

12-23-2018 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
This is a great non-answer. Or an answer to a different question. America doesn't have to lead in any single metric for it to be the best overall (To be clear, I'm neither claiming that it is or isn't, I was just curious about what countries eyebooger had in mind. But anyone is welcome to respond).

Let's just make it easy: actually name one or more countries.
So America has some bizzare emergent property where is leads in no individual stats but leads overall?

The main point is, it’s a dumb question! Its like saying who is the best person?

America is a great nation. People need to stop claiming it is the greatest nation because it feeds the stereotype that Americans are douches, it isn’t true, and it doesnt allow for for improvement.

Last edited by Clovis8; 12-23-2018 at 10:40 AM.
