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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-24-2017 , 11:10 AM
25. Now, more than any time in history, everyone believes that anyone can be President. Seriously, anyone.
Yeah, but that used to be a phrase full of hope and optimism. Now, it's a cautionary warning.
02-24-2017 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by RV Life
LOL Herr Trump just attacked the FBI. JFC.

this orange ****ing moron
02-24-2017 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
Yeah, but that used to be a phrase full of hope and optimism. Now, it's a cautionary warning.
I don't think elections have generally brought leaders with better than average characters, though of course leaders who seize power with violence are worse.

Ancient Athens chose some leadership by lottery.

Originally Posted by Aristotle
It is accepted as democratic when public offices are allocated by lot; and as oligarchic when they are filled by election.
02-24-2017 , 11:21 AM

Because in 2016 we elected a ****ing caveman.
02-24-2017 , 11:21 AM
Could Trump just be depressed and is trying to commit suicide-by-CIA?
02-24-2017 , 11:27 AM
How to get alcohol poisoning: Drink every time Trump says "Believe me" during his speeches.

Currently blabbering about fake media at CPAC. Essentially reciting all his tweets of the past weeks.

"They shouldn't use sources, unless they say a name"

"Let there be no more sources"

02-24-2017 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
The first lady traditionally chooses a cause she champions. How long into a president's term does this usually happen?
Her cause will be equal rights for Russians.
02-24-2017 , 11:28 AM
Is he making any sense at all with this media rant?
02-24-2017 , 11:29 AM
Did he just say no more sources?

02-24-2017 , 11:31 AM
Reading his tweets I still get the gut feeling that he knows that they know and are going to get him. a boy can dream, and I think it will be reality.
02-24-2017 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Fatal Checkraise
How to get alcohol poisoning: Drink every time Trump says "Believe me" during his speeches.

Currently blabbering about fake media at CPAC. Essentially reciting all his tweets of the past weeks.
This goes to Trump being a commonplace huckster and not some kind of huckster savant. If someone comes to your house to sell vinyl windows, believe me, they are the best windows on the market, believe me, offered at a fantastic price, and believe me, they will sell out very very quickly.
02-24-2017 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
Did he just say no more sources?

Yeah. No more anonymous sources. We'll do that when they decide there should be no more undercover cops. And spies have to wear tshirts with the word "spy" on their backs.
02-24-2017 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by RV Life
02-24-2017 , 11:33 AM
"Nobody loves the first amendment better than me"
02-24-2017 , 11:35 AM
doubling down on the press being an "enemy of the people" and continued ranting about the election. talk about something else for once
02-24-2017 , 11:35 AM
When Trump says we and us he understands he isn't implying all Americans right?

There's never been any movements bigger than this? Who the **** is this guy...

CDL right there with you. It's a constant broken record.
02-24-2017 , 11:38 AM
big talk for a dumb **** that lost by 3 million actual ****ing votes
02-24-2017 , 11:38 AM
"The bad ones". And some, I assume are good people.
02-24-2017 , 11:41 AM

Says the guy who pretended to be his own fake publicist.

Trump seems like a real constitutional scholar.
02-24-2017 , 11:46 AM
So Trump admitted he told Paul Ryan he knows Obamacare will fail and that the Republicans should simply wait 2 years, do nothing and allow it to happen?

Good to know our dictator can see into the future but won't do anything to stop it. WOW! Ya'll heard that right?
02-24-2017 , 11:48 AM
02-24-2017 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
So Trump admitted he told Paul Ryan he knows Obamacare will fail and that the Republicans should simply wait 2 years, do nothing and allow it to happen?

Good to know our dictator can see into the future but won't do anything to stop it. WOW! Ya'll heard that right?
What he's saying is he knows the GOP has nothing. No alternative. And taking ownership of health care will hurt them. He's actually right about that.
02-24-2017 , 11:52 AM
American shoots three people including two Indians and still not a word from Trump during his speech now.

If it had been an immigrant who shot two Americans instead, holy ****, we would be under martial law right now.
02-24-2017 , 11:53 AM
watching the orange buffoon tell the idiots at cpac how his wall is gonna stop drugs from coming in made me laugh so hard.
when there's demand there will be supply. isn't that like econ 101?
hell, his own guys from goldman might be mexicos biggest customer...
02-24-2017 , 11:53 AM
Yeah if I'm in Trump's spot I'd be pissed about totally true info being leaked as well.

Maybe they should be leaking to Wikileaks? Might cause his head to assplode
