Originally Posted by +rep_lol
i mean that AZ legislation seems like it would be unconstitutional as ****, and most likely overturned in courts if it was actually passed and signed by the governor, but jesus christ. trying to stamp out peaceful protest is just as scary and just as much a threat to the republic as calling the press the enemy. i just cant believe that republicans are on board with this ****. like, i can believe it, but i can't. these people are just awful
I mean, is this really that much of a departure at this point? These people have been feed the idea that the media is evil and lying to them to sell a liberal conspiracy for 20+ years. Even their most legitimate source, Fox News, works on this concept and a lot of lies and badly sourced stories constantly. They aren't being taught the proper value of civics and a free press, and they probably never quite got that in school either. It's kind of a tough abstract concept to teach and to pick up on. But you've got people like Alex Jones, Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Donald Trump using their huge media platforms to denounce and de-legitimize the mainstream press constantly, it's really just surprising that it took this long for some state legislatures to turn openly anti-first amendment.
I wonder where the extreme free speech advocates like the Milo fans will fall on this one.