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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

09-09-2018 , 11:22 AM

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09-09-2018 , 11:28 AM
Look, dum dum, no nukes here!
09-09-2018 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
1. It’s Still ****ing murdering a baby

2. What could be more repugnant than making a woman carry a baby she doesn’t want. Not much. Not much.
I actually respect(? Not best word but you get the idea) the anti-choicers who have this viewpoint because at least it’s consistent. If a woman is pregnant because of rape, then why is that an okay loophole? If it’s murdering a baby; it’s murdering a baby regardless of how the baby was produced. Same thing with all the frozen embryos used for ivf.
Those who are okay with abortion in cases of rape, well, they show their hands. It’s not actually about the unborn “life” it’s wbout the woman paying for her choice to have sex.

Anyway, if anyone wants to excise the abortion stuff, please do. Or just resurrect one of the many abortion threads.
09-09-2018 , 11:32 AM

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09-09-2018 , 11:33 AM
Nothing in politics infuriates me as much as the Ben Sasse/Jeff Flake/Susan Collins/Bob Corker/Lindsay Graham/Lisa Murkowski deference from the media.

Hey idiots, stop writing stories about what they say and start writing stories about what they do. Every single one of these pieces of **** vote for every single thing. They have the power to stop all of it. They choose not to.

The only question for these people is "why aren't you using your power to stop any of it."

The media in this country is an absolute disgrace.
09-09-2018 , 11:38 AM
Well yeah, except Graham isn't even pretending to oppose trump anymore
09-09-2018 , 11:42 AM
They're hedging their bets with Sasse, just as he's hedging his bets for a primary run in 2020.
09-09-2018 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
The rational actor Republicans you speak of are disappearing and will continue to disappear, replaced by crazy people further and further to the right. By the way, the same thing is happening on the Left. You can't just blame these people either. The moderates have failed to provide good and steady leadership. They have failed to provide answers for the problems facing our world today. It's not irrational for the public to seek out extreme choices, given the circumstances.

I do think you struck on something with this post though Keed, and I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts. I am pro-choice, but I also believe the government has a responsibility, and we as people have a moral responsibility, to reduce the number of abortions as a whole.

Now, at the individual level, shouldn't any woman be allowed to decide what happens to her body? Yes, absolutely! But if we look at society in its entirety, don't we have an obligation to draft public policy strategies and customs and norms that reduce the numbers of abortions nationwide? Does anyone really want to take the position that abortion should just be another means of contraception?

My mom and I agree on very little politically. Despite having to raise her kids as a broke single mother, she has always been a Rush Limbaugh listening, Fox News watching die-hard Republican -- but she is pro-choice. Nevertheless, when we had a discussion about abortion one time, she told me the story of what happened when she became pregnant with me. She was in high school. She went to Planned Parenthood and the people there recommended to her that she get an abortion. Whether she went once or several times I can't say, but at the end of her discussion(s) with those people, she informed them she was going to keep her baby. She did not want an abortion. They rebuked her and told her she was making a mistake, they had tried every attempt to persuade her otherwise, but when she was ready to leave, they settled for telling her good luck, because she would need it.

From that experience, she became a pro-choice Republican who feels strongly that there is a liberal agenda to promote abortion.

I don't know that I would agree with the full extent of her sentiment, but I think the unspoken spirit of that ideology is not far from the consensus of the majority of sane and compassionate adults in this country. Abortion is a sad and sometimes necessary evil, that we should try to limit as much as possible.

The danger, of course, lies in the Right's proclivity for harassing women past the point of acceptable decency, and in the Left's penchant for sometimes advocating for abortion, and in other instances simply allowing it to proliferate. So where do we find the right balance? At what point does a well-meaning sentiment about the sanctity of life turn into an inquisition of fear and hate? At what point does the noble advocacy for a woman's sovereignty over her own body turn into an orgy of impulsive choices?

I think there is a lot more nuance to this discussion than the simple left-right positions, and as you said, I'm not so sure that the prevailing sentiment of the country would be to simply overturn Roe v. Wade and suddenly or gradually outlaw abortion. Rather than people on the Left falling back towards the same arguments and scare tactics, I think it would be far better strategy to engage Republicans on the incremental levels. Those are debates they cannot win.
noted left leaning independent thinker shuffle right here folks.
09-09-2018 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

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Human rights. Schmuman rights. Chairman Kim is a great guy. So suck it libtards.
09-09-2018 , 12:11 PM
I know, poker, but can you even imagine having trump at the table with you?
09-09-2018 , 12:20 PM
Come on Kim! We know you can do this!
09-09-2018 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

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All because the players won't stand before the games start, the most exciting part of the broadcast! Definitely not because TV ratings are declining in general
NASCAR has seen a 19 percent drop in viewership since 2017 and a 29 percent dip since 2016. No NASCAR driver has ever protested the anthem. In fact, the anthem is celebrated more (and, unlike most sports, televised) in NASCAR than any sport. You could make the claim that there is no sport that is more, well, "American'' than NASCAR. Yet its ratings have plummeted more than the NFL.
09-09-2018 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

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Gotta love how this tweet is so low on the shocking scale that no one bothers to comment about these anymore.
09-09-2018 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Holding hands with two black women isn't gonna go over well with like 20% of his base. Look for a major racist tweet to balance it out soon.
Nah. Deplorables will point to that picture every time somebody calls Trump a racist. Look he's holding hands with black people how is he racist?!

Originally Posted by synth_floyd

Sums it up pretty well.
George always had a way of cutting straight to the bone in his comedy.

Originally Posted by suzzer99
My mom is convinced Hillary personally delivers several late term abortions a day - chopping up babies while cackling maniacally.

I tried to explain to her how rare late term abortions are. Nope. She knows what she knows. Thanks Fox!
It's unsurprising how little pro-lifers know about abortion. My mother literally described a vacuum cleaner cleaning out the fetus as what an abortion is. Point out that many abortions are now non-surgical procedures and their response is disbelief and cries of fake news.

Originally Posted by otatop

All because the players won't stand before the games start, the most exciting part of the broadcast! Definitely not because TV ratings are declining in general
Watching a whole football game is an insufferable experience due to the excessive commercials and existence of NFL Red Zone.
09-09-2018 , 01:00 PM
George Carlin was truly the GOAT.
09-09-2018 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
I think that they won't overturn Roe not because they support it or think it's good law or whatever. They want to outlaw abortion. But overturning Roe would be an electoral godsend to Democrats and an absolute disaster for Republicans. And since there's a mindset of a sort of binary state -- Roe Overturned vs Roe Not Overturned -- on both sides of the debate, it's clearly better for Republicans to continue to subvert Roe without overturning it. That way they get to make it even harder to get an abortion in places that it's already sometimes nearly impossible while avoiding the all out mobilization of pro-abortion folks that would happen if Roe were overtly overturned.

Just to be clear, I think this is the worse outcome. Further subversion of Roe could be nearly as damaging to abortion rights and access than overtly overturning Roe. At least with overturning Roe you would get an enormous backlash. When they're done it might be so hard to get an abortion in a red state that functionally there will be no different from an outright ban. But there won't be the electoral consequences that an outright reversal would bring. So I'm not saying don't worry guys, Roe is safe. I'm saying don't view the abortion issue as a binary Roe is overturned or not issue.
09-09-2018 , 01:29 PM

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09-09-2018 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

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does anyone know the rate of dept growth to compare to the 3% GDP growth?
09-09-2018 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

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He's talking about Wisconsin. Remember this?

The U.S. intelligence community developed substantial evidence that state websites or voter registration systems in seven states were compromised by Russian-backed covert operatives prior to the 2016 election... the states as of January 2017 were Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin.
Watch for Leah Vukmir to win a surprise victory over Tammy Baldwin in November.
09-09-2018 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

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and just for the record you will not replace us.
09-09-2018 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

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What if they try to import a pickup truck?
09-09-2018 , 02:31 PM
Can anyone mspaint the growth of New Jersey General viewership over the last thirty years?
09-09-2018 , 02:32 PM
Impressed to learn that Planned Parenthood clinics are full of liberals who go out of their way to try and convince women to have abortions because, you know, reasons. I didn't know that.
09-09-2018 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Hired Goons2
Also and without looking it up, his win margin was about 45th out of the about 58 presidential elections. I think he is too stupid to understand how close his win was.

What is the female version of “Uncle Tom”?
Aunt Jemima.
09-09-2018 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Aunt Jemima.
Meh, I think she and Mrs Butterworth are ok.
