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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

08-31-2018 , 02:48 PM
Powerful understandings ITT.
08-31-2018 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
So he's admitting to the comments? This guy is dumber than a box of sand
08-31-2018 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yeah I know what that is and I aint clicking it at work. Post reported to mods.
08-31-2018 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
sometimes i forget that trump isn’t just another ****head forum poster
He's the lowest info and dumbest reg in the thread.
08-31-2018 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
sometimes i forget that trump isn’t just another ****head forum poster
That Bloomberg interview is really something else.
TRMUP:We can talk steel – and I’ve rebuilt the steel industry in this country in six months.

It’s rebuilt, it’s – when I say rebuilt, it’s really rebuilding fast. You call up the head of U.S. Steel, chief executive officer, what’s his name? Great guy. He’s – he’s opening up six or seven plants, he’s going to open up others, he’s spending billions of dollars.

BLOOMBERG: People are losing their jobs though on the aluminum tariffs and things like that. Is that – does that worry you?

TRUMP: I know, the – the aluminum business is doing much better. It was – it was a dead business. There’s so – and I only charged 10 percent on that one because of that. It’s a – you know, it’s – it was a little more delicate.
08-31-2018 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
So he's admitting to the comments? This guy is dumber than a box of sand
Eventually he'll get around to saying Bloomberg fudged his comments.
08-31-2018 , 03:03 PM
Powerful Understandings of a Stable Genius, Vol I

Paperback: A large number of pages
Publisher: Blatantly Violated; 1 edition (September 1, 2018)
Language: Broken English
ISBN-10: 16000543U
ISBN-13: 305-5551212
08-31-2018 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
We sure do, asswipe.
08-31-2018 , 03:09 PM
From the Toronto Star article on Trump's off-the-record remarks:
Trump, of course, is known for both dishonesty and for bragging about his own greatness, and he regularly makes dubious claims about how he is supposedly dominating the begging people on the other side of the bargaining table from him. When he claimed to have made no compromises, it is distinctly possible he was making a false claim to impress the Bloomberg journalists.

Why can't U.S. papers be this frank?
08-31-2018 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by JoltinJake
This "counter report" idea is not going to work.

No real news organizations are going to give a flying **** about it. They will be talking about the Mueller report 24/7 and the counter report will be rightly laughed off as bull****.

I know it's intended more for the derposphere, but uh, who do they expect is going to read a 100 page propaganda document? Ain't no deplorables reading that. Maybe Fox will try to reference it or something, but that's going to put the angry olds to sleep real fast. Much easier and more effective to just scream RIGGED WITCH HUNT NO COLLUSION.

I mean I’m probably going to read the whole thing and anticipating it like Christmas morning (or so I assume as a Jewish person)
08-31-2018 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Lol, only having 2-3 thousand people show up at a 100K seat stadium would be something to behold.
During the campaign he only filled up the floor of the American Airlines Center. I don't know what it'd be now, but the possibility that he fills out the stadium is 0%
08-31-2018 , 03:14 PM
Can the president of the United States ever be off the record? Literally ever paper he touches/writes on is public record if it’s not classified isn’t it? How can he ever be off the record?
08-31-2018 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Powerful Understandings of a Stable Genius, Vol I

Paperback: A large number of pages
Publisher: Blatantly Violated; 1 edition (September 1, 2018)
Language: Broken English
ISBN-10: 16000543U
ISBN-13: 305-5551212
Solid but the ISBN number should be a series of 14 and 88.
08-31-2018 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
Can the president of the United States ever be off the record? Literally ever paper he touches/writes on is public record if it’s not classified isn’t it? How can he ever be off the record?
Of course he can, but usually you agree to that beforehand with the reporter. You don’t just get to say “off the record!” after you’ve said something stupid.

I’m guessing he has off-record conversations with Haberman all the time.

Last edited by Trolly McTrollson; 08-31-2018 at 03:37 PM.
08-31-2018 , 03:32 PM
He always say he won't compromise, won't back down, won't settle and he does every single time.
08-31-2018 , 03:51 PM

Trump volunteer blocks reporter from taking photo of protester being removed from rally

Pretty hilarious that trying to stop the taking of one photo generated a second, far worse photo of his actions
08-31-2018 , 03:55 PM
Think trump does this stuff intentionally sometimes, knows it's gonna get leaked when you effectively say you don't give a **** about the canadians.

Last edited by wheatrich; 08-31-2018 at 04:03 PM.
08-31-2018 , 04:08 PM
Just weird to me any POTUS would talk to the media expecting it to be kept off the record.

Even more weird from a guy who just claimed any story with an anonymous source us a lie.

But most of all it is weird that a guy who has declared war and demonized the US Press would think he is deserved any courtesy or quarter.
08-31-2018 , 04:10 PM
Oh joy. Looks like we're getting a visit from Trump.
08-31-2018 , 04:11 PM
Those Canadian comments are really effin crazy if true & judging by his tweet it would appear that they are.
08-31-2018 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
Think trump does this stuff intentionally sometimes, knows it's gonna get leaked when you effectively say you don't give a **** about the canadians.
I suspect Donald is extra salty about Canada because Melania is always talking about Trudeau to him.

I know it would be a sacrifice but could Trudeau take one for the world and bang Melania?
08-31-2018 , 04:23 PM
If Trump wasn't so awful Trudeau could actually be in trouble electorally here next year. But their fight is the best thing to happen to Trudeau.
08-31-2018 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Just weird to me any POTUS would talk to the media expecting it to be kept off the record.

Even more weird from a guy who just claimed any story with an anonymous source us a lie.

But most of all it is weird that a guy who has declared war and demonized the US Press would think he is deserved any courtesy or quarter.
He claims any story with an anon source is a lie because he'd constantly call up people pretending to be an anon source to make up stories about himself.

It's not weird when you think you're a king.

There's a **** ton of stuff wildly reported on him that reporters either wouldn't believe (even though it was their paper reporting it) or would not talk about during the campaign but yet blasted hillary 24/7/365. They'll all support Trump again in 2020.
08-31-2018 , 04:44 PM
From The Star:

Trump made the remarks in an Oval Office interview with Bloomberg. He deemed them off the record, and Bloomberg accepted his request not to reveal them.
So the way this is worded, it means (and the article later shows this a little more clearly) that he said "Off the record," and then spoke without getting it confirmed, or he said something, then said, "That's off the record."

Bloomberg granted his request, so basically they said "Yeah, ethically that's not off the record, but we'll make it off the record."

My guess is that there was a split between their reporters... some would undoubtedly feel like they were just given very newsworthy information on the record and had a responsibility to report it. Others, apparently the editor, didn't want to report it... They basically wanted to Haberman it - get in good with him so he keeps giving them interviews.

It's not uncommon in journalism to have some of those types of relationships where there's an understanding that the interviewee can hop on and off the record at will, and it will be honored... but that's certainly not the default.

So, I assume one of those journalists felt that their responsibility as a journalist was to make sure the newsworthy info got out... So they called up Daniel Dale and gave him the story.
08-31-2018 , 04:48 PM
Guessing Maggie WOATerman lets him get away with this all the time.
