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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-18-2017 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
It wasn't uneventful for me, because I realized some of my close family members will never turn against Trump.

They would vote for Vlad/Bashar ticket if they could somehow secure the Repub nom.
02-18-2017 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
My mom's first election, she voted Carter in 76. She voted GOP for POTUS every election since then, none missed, till she voted Hillary in 2016.

She told my dad she'd divorce him if he put a Trump sign in their front yard. Fair play as far as I'm concerned, especially since she's by far the bread winner. You see, she has two university degrees to his one two-year certificate. She went back to school in the early 90s and got her computer science degree suma cum laude and put up with immeasurable bull**** against females in her field forever, and became a legit badass software engineer. We were dirt poor before she did any of this and she was terrified the whole time. I know a lot about programing and she is no basic coder. She's a legit innovator. And she spent years earning less than her male peers despite driving their production while they latched on helplessly.

Anyway, the point is she's a radical revolutionary who refuses to admit it, and she told my dad to stop talking about Trump in her presence until he admitted there was a nonzero chance he was the next Hitler.

And he hasn't talked Trump in front of her once since then.

Despite telling me all kinds of bull**** about the money taxes and ACA take out of HIS pocket.

I don't mean to give you the wrong impression, I have huge infinite respect for my dad. He never wavered from supporting me when he could have a million times. Everything I know about spacial reasoning and carpentry and any other kind of fabrication I owe to him, and I know me coming out as gay was the hardest day of his life but he didn't hesitate to tell me he just wanted me to be safe and happy.

But there's this pervasive toxicity where he has to feel like he's special because of his birth accident.
I am drinking right now and I'm not as smart as you folks to begin with, but if my reading comprehension is not entirely compromised your mom sounds awesome.

Last edited by Dilznoofus; 02-18-2017 at 05:42 AM. Reason: Deleted pointless sentence.
02-18-2017 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Sighsalot
I just feel like something is going to go down. The combo of the frum/Rubio tweets plus the comey meeting and all the news shows tonight opening with the russian influence story, I think something might be out there on this orange bastard. This is so serious that you almost have to hope they have it, even if the chance is small. I mean in one month this guy has absolutely proven that he is a dictator and is running the country and talking to the masses like lenin did. Its scary **** and I hope that we have some patriots in our government to stand up for us
Thinking about it, Trump being gone might b bad too. The legislation a Pence lead GOP might push through will set the country back a a century.
02-18-2017 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by Sighsalot
personally i dont think it has to be anything more sinister then they find evidence his campaign was working with "russian operatives" to beat the DNC. if they find that, it is probably the biggest scandal in the history of this country. easily impeachable at that point and likely going to jail. I do not think it is far out of the realm of possibility that he and others around him were working with intel under putin. I know it seems crazy when you read the words, but when you think about everything that we have seen this person do and say in the defense of russia it really does not seem that impossible.

I would bet that one of the intel people that helped him win might just take him down. Sounds crazy I know, i feel crazy writing it. But I give that scenario a 15-20% chance of being real. imo
What are you talking about? Trump is the guy who in public said the Russians should hack Clintons Mails, which is exactly what happened. There will be a investigation and two years later nothing will have happened.

You guys are delusional. There is no reason to believe that Trump will get impeached over things that weren't standing in the way of his election.
02-18-2017 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Did they admit to missing anything about Trump?
We're those rural whites with that cultural background that FlyWf likes to talk about. He's right though, 100 percent.
02-18-2017 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
The uneducated are winning the battle for now but that won't be the case forever (one would hope).
And your reason to think that is? It´s not like the US education system or media landscape has become better for young generations and there is no reason to think DeVos will make that better.
02-18-2017 , 06:11 AM
trump is the absolute GOAT at changing the narrative to what he wants. he did it many, many times during the campaign, when it looked like he was dead in the water every time. if there are violent protests this weekend, im sure he would greatly enjoy that
02-18-2017 , 06:27 AM
Idiot thinks it's adding to the discussion to say that Trump is praying for violence this weekend

Film at 11
02-18-2017 , 06:34 AM
U forgot one thing: RACIST idiots.
02-18-2017 , 06:35 AM
I recognize that you are a human and I love you because we are you
02-18-2017 , 06:42 AM
its good to see you found another insult besides just calling somone racist. here are some other ones you can try in the future:

02-18-2017 , 06:44 AM
What? I didn't insult you and also the conversation you're referring to in SPORTING EVENTS is not a conversation where I called you racist

Because I've only called the president racist on this website in the last I dunno forever

Good lord you're boring and incapable of reason
02-18-2017 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by SeeTheMirage
Voted for Trump exactly because he is so inept. We currently live in a world that is unbelievably unfair, discriminatory, and corrupt

We really need to bring it all to the ground and start over, as it stands we're in too deep without a drastic change. Any of the other primary candidates would have put a band-aid on the bleeding artery of the current world yet through his own ineptitude, Trump was ironically the best option because he offers the quickest path to starting over which is inevitable

Maybe the next thousand years will really suck but as poker players we should be happy to understand that what happens today is a small price to pay for the long term, we shouldn't be playing just to win today's hand, maybe we were just unlucky to be alive in 2017 but can make a difference in the long-term

Maybe 99% of us won't live a full life thanks to Trump but as long as some of us survive, we should be absolutely thrilled if history books in 3017 thank of us for finally moving past this "my side vs your side" attitude and realizing we're all just human and should be treated with equality which neither party in 2017 truly wants
Bad decision
02-18-2017 , 06:46 AM
Guys, this dude thought that since I called it unreasonable to say it's oversensitive to have a reaction to Trump's "you know black people since you're black" line, that I called him racist even though he had never before poasted in that thread
02-18-2017 , 06:46 AM
yeah brah calling someone an idiot is definitely not an insult. #factsdontmatterright
02-18-2017 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Bad decision
02-18-2017 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by rtd353
yeah brah calling someone an idiot is definitely not an insult. #factsdontmatterright
Did I say I didn't insult you

If so I apologize

Because i definitely meant to insult you
02-18-2017 , 06:50 AM
This dude thinks trapping a ****faced bro is some kind of concession for his lunacy
02-18-2017 , 06:53 AM
Dilznoofus I don't appreciate you deleting your poast

02-18-2017 , 07:05 AM
I think I tried to share a heart and I ****ed that up so I was embarrassed.
02-18-2017 , 07:08 AM
**** happens
02-18-2017 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
What do you think is the appropriate response to Trump's FL rally?
Surely a counter rally, miles away from Drumpf's so as to avoid any potential for either inflating the appearance of his crowd size or enabling the TROUBLEMAKERS narrative, would be the most effective form of protest. Let him have his little rally, and get a bigger crowd together elsewhere.
02-18-2017 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
**** happens
I'm a bumpkin. I love you guys. Lurk every day.
02-18-2017 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Surely a counter rally, miles away from Drumpf's so as to avoid any potential for either inflating the appearance of his crowd size or enabling the TROUBLEMAKERS narrative, would be the most effective form of protest. Let him have his little rally, and get a bigger crowd together elsewhere.
Another thing that can be done is for organizers to announce and work with the police to hand over any violent protesters.

They hurt the cause bigly and just about all the trump people i know are blinded by them even in the face of the largest peaceful protest in our history.
02-18-2017 , 07:44 AM
I still read actual newspapers.

Seriously though, the WaPo and NYT are basically all we have left in terms of legitimate free press that holds politicians accountable. Pay them.
