Originally Posted by Dilznoofus
My 90-year-old Republican grandmother found him loathsome many months ago. Her children (almost all of whom are well-off now -- one is a doctor, another is a very comfortably retired broker {my dad}, another is married to a fast-food franchise owner who is legit wealthy), are all on the Trump train. I was drunk and shamed my own dad and aunt a few nights ago on Facebook to tell them how proud I am of my grandma and how I wonder how they feel knowing she saw something they all missed.
Of course I apologized the next day for being mean.
My mom's first election, she voted Carter in 76. She voted GOP for POTUS every election since then, none missed, till she voted Hillary in 2016.
She told my dad she'd divorce him if he put a Trump sign in their front yard. Fair play as far as I'm concerned, especially since she's by far the bread winner. You see, she has two university degrees to his one two-year certificate. She went back to school in the early 90s and got her computer science degree suma cum laude and put up with immeasurable bull**** against females in her field forever, and became a legit badass software engineer. We were dirt poor before she did any of this and she was terrified the whole time. I know a lot about programing and she is no basic coder. She's a legit innovator. And she spent years earning less than her male peers despite driving their production while they latched on helplessly.
Anyway, the point is she's a radical revolutionary who refuses to admit it, and she told my dad to stop talking about Trump in her presence until he admitted there was a nonzero chance he was the next Hitler.
And he hasn't talked Trump in front of her once since then.
Despite telling me all kinds of bull**** about the money taxes and ACA take out of HIS pocket.
I don't mean to give you the wrong impression, I have huge infinite respect for my dad. He never wavered from supporting me when he could have a million times. Everything I know about spacial reasoning and carpentry and any other kind of fabrication I owe to him, and I know me coming out as gay was the hardest day of his life but he didn't hesitate to tell me he just wanted me to be safe and happy.
But there's this pervasive toxicity where he has to feel like he's special because of his birth accident.
Last edited by PocketChads; 02-18-2017 at 05:29 AM.