Originally Posted by PocketChads
If you wanna show me a couple I'll consider it when I'm sober again.
But I think you're really underestimating the paranoia that people are just OUT THERE TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU OF LIWS
I tell him public record quotes or otherwise undisputed events all the time like Perry not knowing what Dept of Energy does and he's ALWAYS just like, "we'll I haven't heard that. Are you sure? There's a lot of fake news out there and you gotta be careful."
Also, you're just never going to convince these people that being "successful" in business is possible if you are incompetent or even dishonest. THE PROOF IS IN THE SUCCESS, EGGHEAD
Unfortunately there are two causes for this disconnect. One is just flat out being dumb. The other is being ignorant. I think you see some mixture of both and hopefully he is just of the later because that gives hope.
When he says things like "Are you sure?" Or "I never heard of that" he is displaying his ignorance. Not to mention he is actually insulting you and if you can bring it up to him in a reasonable way that you are insulted he believes everything this random sources of his worldview over you, someone he knows personally and who tries to educate themselves.
It's okay to have people own their own ignorance and it's okay to let them know if they are offending you by not believing you over some stranger third party. It does not mean he has to agree with you and it doesn't mean you might not make a mistake but he should be willing to accept information you give him was provided in the best of faith and with every intent of being accurate.
He won't be able to get that motivation from any other source. I have a lot of Trump supporters as family and friends and people can absolutely be dismissive of anything that offends their buttressed worldview. So I don't attack it head on but I absolutely do subvert at every chance I can by pointing out absurdities and oddities in a way that doesn't get them to shutdown. Most people don't want to be preached at and honestly most Trump supporters are not worth the effort. However close family members might be worth the effort.
Sometimes I end up going sideways at an issue to undermine the foundation but make clear there is a problem. When talking to a relative who is bashing "Obamacare" and how expensive it has gotten. I talk to them about the real reasons why healthcare is so expensive and the things that need to be done to actually make healthcare more affordable regardless of the system on top of it.
With some of my family, though, there absolutely will be a point when I say see what you did.