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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

06-25-2018 , 11:25 AM
Huckabeast refusing service to America, someone egg her

06-25-2018 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
try epistonarussian next time
Needs more love.
06-25-2018 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
As a small business owner myself I've been thinking of what classes of people I will refuse to serve. Trump officials and deplorable pundits are a no brainer. ICE and BP officers aren't a protected class anywhere are they?
Charge them more. I routinely give better pricing to people I like and people who work for a living, and I routinely gouge people I dislike, especially the wealthy and retirees who sit around watching Fox all day.
06-25-2018 , 11:39 AM
Harley Davidson moves work offshore to limit blow from Trump’s trade war

^ to avoid retaliatory EU tariffs on their products. Are we tired of winning yet??
06-25-2018 , 11:49 AM
At least with the bot now it's totally clear when someone posts an unfunny fake tweet.
06-25-2018 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
This whole loss of civility argument is extremely absurd. Regardless of party or ideology the majority of people who are in power seats of federal government live in an elitist protected bubble.

Piercing that bubble and actually impacting their day-to-day lives is actually an important step. They should be afraid to go out in public because they will be harassed and belittled. Protected discourse via the media is what they want because they can toggle it on and off at their pleasure and none of it ever impacts them living their lives.
The absurdity is ****ing crushing. See this is obscene.

Kids in exchange for deportation: Detained migrants say they were told they could get kids back on way out of U.S.

The 24-year-old detainee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity and requested the Tribune use the pseudonym Carlos because he feared retaliation, told the Tribune that he abandoned his asylum case and agreed to sign voluntary deportation paperwork Friday out of “desperation” to see his 6-year-old daughter, who was separated from him after the pair illegally crossed the border in late May. The man said two federal officials suggested he’d be reunited with his daughter at the airport if he agreed to sign the order, which could lead to him being repatriated to his violence-torn home country in less than two weeks.

“I was told I would not be deported without my daughter,” said Carlos, adding that he's now hoping to revoke the voluntary deportation order he signed and get legal help to fight his case. “I signed it out of desperation… but the truth is I can’t go back to Honduras; I need help.”

Carlos said he’s only spoken to his daughter once — on June 21 — since the pair were separated three weeks ago in McAllen. He said he paid a smuggler $7,000 for the 10-day journey from Honduras because he feared being caught up in the violence waged by organized crime syndicates and gangs in the country. They turned themselves in to Border Patrol officers shortly after illegally crossing into the United States on a raft that pushed off from the banks of the Rio Grande on the Mexico side near Reynosa, Carlos said.

These ****ing animals implementing this horror have the nerve to complain that they are not allowed to eat in peace? They cry foul when some celebrity dare says, without any power or action to make it a reality, that they wish they would suffer the same fate and have their child removed and that is beyond the pale? It is beyond absurd, but it is ****ing standard. We still have moments of silence for 9/11 but have unleashed literal orders of magnitude destruction in response on innocents.

It's beyond comprehension.
06-25-2018 , 11:53 AM
Separating families and then using that as a bargaining chip on multiple occasions is fascist. There's no other word for it.
06-25-2018 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
“I don’t have friends anymore because I’ve switched parties,” said Judy Brana, 66, a retired music and art teacher from St. Cloud, Minn., who left home at 10:30 on Wednesday morning to make the two-and-a-half-hour drive up to Duluth for the president’s rally.

“Friends I’ve had for 40 years,” she added. “It’s insane, that’s what I’ll tell you.”[/indent]
Yes, it's interesting to read the reflections of those who are slowly coming to the realization that they are, in fact, bad persons.
06-25-2018 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
This whole loss of civility argument is extremely absurd. Regardless of party or ideology the majority of people who are in power seats of federal government live in an elitist protected bubble.

Piercing that bubble and actually impacting their day-to-day lives is actually an important step. They should be afraid to go out in public because they will be harassed and belittled. Protected discourse via the media is what they want because they can toggle it on and off at their pleasure and none of it ever impacts them living their lives.
It’s cool if it happens to SHS or other people I don’t like. Not too cool if it happens to me me or people I like/am politically aligned with.
06-25-2018 , 11:59 AM
The backlash over the Red Robin thing is just incredible. ~every politico in the Acela corridor on either party is immediately calling for civility after the mildest act of civil disobedience ever. The political class is straight terrified.
06-25-2018 , 12:00 PM
People i like and am politically aligned with arent putting toddlers in baby jails where they are abused and used as bargaining chips to get asylum seekers to sign deportation orders instead- when they do, i'll be uncivil to them too

Try to post better
06-25-2018 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
It’s cool if it happens to SHS or other people I don’t like. Not too cool if it happens to me me or people I like/am politically aligned with.
lol. This happening to my political allies is a matter of daily life. The other side getting a taste of what disempowered groups feel constantly is what is so sweet.
06-25-2018 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
This is a bad post.

It's an issue of platform, too. If an organization you supported in some fashion gave money to, say, Ben Shapiro speaking tours, you'd be like "what the ****, that's insane" and rightfully consider terminating your relationship with them. Giving space in your nationally distributed newspaper to print super dumb articles by dip****s like Bari Weiss, Bret Stephens, and David Brooks is...not that different?

I didn't cancel my NYT subscription because I am personally offended every time they publish an idiotic right-wing take; I was not looking for affirmation of my world view, as you claim. It's because I think they're doing a bad thing with their newspaper with their Very Serious People Consider All Viewpoints (As Long As None Of Those Viewpoints Support Trump Or Bernie Sanders) act, and I didn't want to be part of supporting it anymore.

edit: to add to this, I think the dichotomy you present ("maybe people should look at newspapers as a flawed source of news rather than affirmation of their world view") is wrong and ignores a better third option: maybe newspapers shouldn't be in the business of posting dumb hot takes at all, from any viewpoint.
What is missing from this analysis is that the action you're taking (subscribing or not subscribing to the NYT) really has no impact on the thing you're trying to affect (David Brooks). It doesn't really matter if Bari Weiss indirectly gets $0.02 a month from your subscription bux. It is meaningless. Honestly, you should be much more concerned about your cable subscription if you have one. That's like $1-2/month directly to Fox News, plus maybe another $1 to CNN. You're probably personally buying a cup of coffee for Wolf Blitzer every year, you monster.

You're obviously welcome to apply whatever ethical standards you choose to your consumption decisions, but I'm just saying it's very hard to imagine that boycotting NYT is really the most effective lever to pull.

Re: your edit, that's not an option for people to take, it's a way that newspapers could change the way they do business. I agree with you that divorcing editorial from straight news would be great, except that the newspapers would immediately go bankrupt and then there would be no straight news.
06-25-2018 , 12:05 PM
Cool when it happens because like gays are icky. Uncool when it happens because torture in the form of mental anguish is being used as a political device.
06-25-2018 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
It’s cool if it happens to SHS or other people I don’t like. Not too cool if it happens to me me or people I like/am politically aligned with.
True colors showing.
06-25-2018 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The backlash over the Red Robin thing is just incredible. ~every politico in the Acela corridor on either party is immediately calling for civility after the mildest act of civil disobedience ever. The political class is straight terrified.
It's pretty nuts. Like, the right of political flacks to be free of discrimination in their access to public accommodations seems to be more securely established than that of black people.
06-25-2018 , 12:17 PM
I really feel like the left's position on the migrant families should just be 'let them in'!

It's by far the most sensible idea.
06-25-2018 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

This is extremely accurate. The politico/pundit class has lived lives remarkably free of consequence even by the above-the-law standards of wealthy white Americans. That changing is an existential threat to their way of life, and unlike Sam ****ing Harris when I use big words I use them correctly.

Speaking of being utterly post-fact, what's Milo been up to lately? I know you sniveling norms queens said that being mean to him would backfire but uh, seems like his public profile has gone from writing at major right-wing papers and appearing on cable fairly regularly to not doing any of that ****.
Milo has also been chased out of joints this year but nobody gave a ****.
06-25-2018 , 12:23 PM
feel like SHS would probably get served at Red Robin
06-25-2018 , 12:27 PM
If you honestly think Sam Harris is a racist you are the lefts version of a trumpkin and should be given as much regard.

He is anti-religion and anti-islamisist, neither of which is a race. I’m both as well and proud to be so.
06-25-2018 , 12:33 PM
I googled Red Hen Gofundme and there are a lot of results and a fair amount of $ to keep them running for the next week or two
06-25-2018 , 12:33 PM
06-25-2018 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
It's almost as though he doesn't understand that 'trade' is thing that only happens when both sides find the deal to be fair.

Like he must be one of the worst businessmen in history.
06-25-2018 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
If you honestly think Sam Harris is a racist you are the lefts version of a trumpkin and should be given as much regard.
Mostly my impression of Harris (over a long time on a bunch of subjects, not just his recent forays into more fraught political topics) is that he's not as intelligent or insightful as he thinks he is. I don't think he's racist at all but he does on occasion act as a useful idiot for racist interests.
