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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

06-21-2018 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
I listened but tbh I couldn't really pay attention to all of it. It was just too much. I was afraid I was going to start ending all my sentences with 'allegedly.' Allegedly.
It gave a lot of good info and background on Trump and his progression and how he came to be. Definitely a very interesting listen. Also detailed accounts of him molesting women. Also his 2nd wife banged their body guard and later committed suicide.

The comedians were pretty annoying a lot of the time though, but also occasionally pretty funny.
06-21-2018 , 04:33 PM
Ivanka will get all the money. I've seen this play out many times.
06-21-2018 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
The jacket has got to be a jab at her husband, right? It has to be.

As stupid and sick as everyone in this administration is, I cannot imagine that Melania would intentionally wear that jacket to that location to actually say that she doesn't care. That would just be the dumbest ****ing thing of all time.

She's got to be saying something about her husband.

In either case, it's insane.
I'm trying to look at it that way. It's possible she was forced to participate in Melania going to bat for the kids stories and then yanked out of the attic to go on this mission so she decided to wear this jacket as a middle finger to orange. But man, that's a stretch.
06-21-2018 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
Doesn't matter if she hates him or not, she's still gonna protect the empire and this is a hell of a good job of it.
This does oddly seem like something the ol' base would eat up. The same people who froth and get spittle lipped about "the purity of marriage" or whatever will now near joyfully exclaim "Oh, she's in on it!" with a laugh and dismissive wave when asked about that sham of a marriage.

Originally Posted by UFO1947
Thank God weed is legal here in 4 months. I'm gonna need to grow out my whole yard after all this.

This is the first time I really feel it's over for America and you guys won't recover.
It does kind of help. Sometimes it literally smells like entire blocks in my neighborhood are smoking at once.
06-21-2018 , 04:40 PM
Trump approval average up to 42.6%, children separation confirmed quality red meat
06-21-2018 , 04:44 PM
I think the jacket is a message directed towards Trump. Melania just wants to be left alone and do rich things. Dont get me wrong, shes a craven ghoul but shes also smarter than these morons running the show. She saves her public hate and vitriol for stuff like Obama being from Kenya.

That jacket is $40. She's used to wearing $20k shoes. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump said something like "Back me on this or you'll be homeless" or some stupid **** like that.
06-21-2018 , 04:46 PM
06-21-2018 , 04:47 PM
06-21-2018 , 04:48 PM
06-21-2018 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by UsedToBeGood
Trump approval average up to 42.6%, children separation confirmed quality red meat
**** this country. Jesus christ.
06-21-2018 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
1. Wow Trump, way to spam the **** out of this thread (my immediate reaction was "oh ****, the bot's going haywire" but then I realized it was just Donald J. Trump having some quality executive time)
2. "Great victory for consumers" that they now have to pay sales tax on all purchases? I mean I don't disagree with the decision or anything but LMAO at trying to act like this is a "great victory" for anyone who buys ****
06-21-2018 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
I'm trying to look at it that way. It's possible she was forced to participate in Melania going to bat for the kids stories and then yanked out of the attic to go on this mission so she decided to wear this jacket as a middle finger to orange. But man, that's a stretch.
How did she get this jacket? Have we ever seen her in cheap clothes before? I have a hard time picturing Melania casually strolling through a Zara store.
06-21-2018 , 04:56 PM
06-21-2018 , 04:57 PM
06-21-2018 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by UsedToBeGood
Trump approval average up to 42.6%, children separation confirmed quality red meat
My theory is that the jacket is a shout-out to the deplorables.
06-21-2018 , 05:07 PM
Maybe Melania asked DJT if he was going to do anything about the child separation and he said "I really don't care, do you?" and she trolled him there. I guess that would be giving a lot of credit.
06-21-2018 , 05:07 PM
Farm Bill was 213-211.

Work requirements for food stamps! Now get to work for peanuts. Literally.
06-21-2018 , 05:19 PM
Has anyone parsed out the meaning of today's news about the change in border prosecutions? WaPo:

A Justice Department spokesperson denied changes to the zero tolerance policy and said prosecutions would continue.

But the decision to refer migrants for criminal charges after crossing illegally rests with the U.S. Border Patrol, and the senior CBP official said the agency will no longer send parents who arrive with children to federal courts.

“We’re suspending prosecutions of adults who are members of family units until ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) can accelerate resource capability to allow us to maintain custody,” the official said.
A spokeswoman for the Justice Department, Sarah Isgur Flores, said “zero tolerance” remained in effect.

“There has been no change to the Department’s zero tolerance policy to prosecute adults who cross our border illegally instead of claiming asylum at any port of entry at the border,” she said.
So is this...
- actually a change to the zero tolerance policy?
- a temporary measure while the government builds whatever concentration camps they need to cage tens of thousands of immigrants?
06-21-2018 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
can you imagine if melania's jacket or poncho got rain on it? it'd be a ****in tragedy. best to just fly home to her mansion and servants so she can put this whole ordeal behind her
06-21-2018 , 05:26 PM
re: farm bill, i suppose the silver lining is that nobody expects it to pass the senate with those SNAP changes
06-21-2018 , 05:26 PM
Lol his constituents have been blowing up his phone. Suck a dick sir you voted for this.

06-21-2018 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
2. "Great victory for consumers" that they now have to pay sales tax on all purchases? I mean I don't disagree with the decision or anything but LMAO at trying to act like this is a "great victory" for anyone who buys ****
It's a "great victory" because it makes Amazon buyers pay taxes so this counts as a "win" for him in his war against Jeff Bezos.
06-21-2018 , 05:39 PM
06-21-2018 , 05:41 PM
Was hoping he was smart enough to tell trump that's also something Obama didn't want to do when I asked him about it and then if that didn't work just lie and say it's also 2 more R senators and house reps in congress.
06-21-2018 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Ivanka will get all the money. I've seen this play out many times.

This. She is only with him because of some pre nup **** involving Barron. Something she knows he can’t enforce ultimately but will be a complete **** about even if it is ****ing up his kid. She knows exactly what he is like and what he’s capable of. MHO.

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