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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

06-20-2018 , 01:35 PM
06-20-2018 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
I just have trouble calling Trump a racist because it would imply he is capable of human emotions such as hatred (of other races) and love (of his own race.)

But I am now resolved it's a stupid thing to fight over when in all likelihood it will be convenient for him to "act" racist for the rest of his life.

Yeah, okay, he's a racist ****. And the very worst kind with absolutely no shame or reservations about being a racist. (whether he actually hates brown people from the bottom of his heart is irrelevant given his actions.)
Racism as a personal animus is uninteresting because it is fundamentally unknowable outside of fringe cases. Racism as a political system is what ruins lives, and Trump is an eager participant and leader.
06-20-2018 , 01:46 PM
I wonder if this is more or less the high water mark for Trump - he's looking to back away from separating the kids from families, and it's going to be tough for him to keep the rubes riled up on the topic forever. The North Korea show for now is over - he got his photo ops, but if anything else is going to come from it its going to be months/years down the road after grinding negotiations - and most likely it'll fall apart anyway. His trade wars are going to start pinching the money guys in the GOP - hell, they're going to start pinching him soon enough - market tanked 350+ yesterday.

Where does he go for a "win" at this point - and it has to be something that takes 30 seconds or so to do, since he has the attention span of a gnat. He's not getting his wall.He's alienated pretty much every ally the US has - no one is going to toss him a bone in foreign affairs to make him look good with the possible exception of Putin, and we really don't have a wish list with Russia anyway AFAIK (except for Trump loving him, I suppose). Rant about Hilary, I suppose - but I'd think the amount of traction available there is diminishing?

06-20-2018 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Explain the bolded. What influence can you show? Will these people be voting against Gowdy and Trump? Have they joined you in condeming the president for his heinous actions this past month? Ready to join you in protest?
Started with my parents during the Tea Party wave.

They live in northern Virginia and were lifelong Republicans. My dad was one of the primary architects of NAFTA back when Republicans were pro free trade, and was a lobbyist for the auto parts industry for twenty some years. I convinced him about climate change, opened his eyes. He took early retirement and volunteers to fundraisers and GOTV for Democrats in VA. He voted for Clinton in 2016 and I am pretty sure that’s the first time he voted D in a national election. He has donated tens of thousands of dollars to democratic candidates already in 2018 including maxing our what’s legal for Amy McGrath in Kentucky. He is also reaching out to a few Trump advisors that he worked with years ago to try to get them to back off tariffs. “They know better.” Is what he says

Mother isn’t quite as severe but she posts anti Trump stuff 3-4 times a day on Facebook after being a lifelong Republican

Best friend was an evangelical that went to seminary, over the past 5 years he has become an anti theist and voted straight Democrat party. His wife voted Hillary and he voted Bernie 2016 primary, pretty big turn around

My uncle who I’ve never spoken politics with told my mother he’s changed a lot of his views after seeing my Facebook posts. Not sure how Republican he was before though

A lot of friends have simply become less extreme. Gone from a 10 to like a 6 enthusiasm on Trump. Takes time and sometimes that’s all you can do but still worth it because it can open their minds up when stuff like this happens that they can’t support. Most will probably still vote Republican but some may go third party (I hope), and some have told me they are considering it.

What is the change you are seeing through these engagements? And what is better, to engage in a respectful conversation with the republicans who then go into the booth and pull the red lever anyway, or to have a non-voting democrat see real, true passion about the atrocities happening, and have them actually go into a booth and make a vote?
Gotta speak differently to different audiences, bro. My hope is to get some R’s to vote third party or stay home more than to switch votes. How many non-voters do you think post on the two plus two politics forum due to apathy, may I ask?

Which is better spent using our time on, because like it or not, time is a finite resource. I'm doubtful your hours of research led to anything more than a 2 minute "huh, this guy makes some ok points" thought flash through the minds of those who (you readily admit) are already brainwashed by the cult.
You may be right. I may be wasting my time with most of them. But I am not going to burn down my life and relationships over politics, either. If they are willing to engage so am I—at least I can say I tried my best.
06-20-2018 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by alazo1985

So some background:

I live in the middle of Trey Gowdys district. When I voted in the Democrat primary last Tuesday my fiancée and I were the first Democrats to vote in my precinct, but they were already finished with more than a page of Republicans.

I hate Trump. Most of my friends and neighbors don’t know why. Rather than shun me, we have engaged in quite a few discussions, and many listen to me with an open mind because I try to explain things from a point of view they understand. Telling my neighbor they are a ghoul for supporting Trump won’t persuade them, and isn’t helpful. You have to understand the power of the groupthink down here. Every public place plays the Fox News propaganda channel. They spend all week getting reinforced with propaganda from the tv, radio, friends, church, work, etc.

If I am going to influence any of their hearts or minds (and several I have) I have to be on point. I state facts as facts and if I am speculating in the slightest I present it as that. All of us may take for granted that Trump is a narcissist, a liar, and a racist, but if I say that to them they will shut down and not listen. Cue yesterday my boss presented Rush Limbaugh’s take on the child separation. He genuinely listens to my reply, so rather than speculate I did some research and put out the unbiased, speculation-of-motive-free, non-judgmental version here to organize my thoughts. Y’all attacked me with straw man after straw man... not cool. I’m actively doing everything I can to save this country from Trump. Outside of crying on an Internet forum, how many of you can say the same?
Bless your heart!

If you're telling the truth, you're wasting your time on people not worth the effort. They will smile and nod in polite consideration and then ignore everything you said while they vote for another 4 years of concentration camps for toddlers.
06-20-2018 , 01:56 PM
"the Democrat party" lol ok bud
06-20-2018 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Wait, was the election a witch hunt now, too?
Who can be expected to keep track of which hunt is the witch hunt?
06-20-2018 , 02:00 PM
Splinter supposedly published Stephen Miller’s cell number.
06-20-2018 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
I responded to you saying you were on the fence. What are you on the fence about? And yea, tell your neighbors to **** off if they still support this regime. You are never changing their minds.
I’m not on the fence and never said I was. I advised that hypothetically if someone truly thought I was, the way they were talking to me would simply cause me to leave the forum and stop investigating, or shut down and insult back. It wouldn’t be persuasive. Saying “**** the undecided” may feel good but it’s a bad way to make sure we pick up seats in November.
06-20-2018 , 02:03 PM
Don’t worry someone has taken a stand against the horrors happening and resigned in protest.* That person is Michael Cohen the deputy finance chair of the RNC

*also he’s under criminal investigation by Mueller and the SDNY
06-20-2018 , 02:06 PM
I had no idea that Cohen still had a RNC post.
06-20-2018 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
I had no idea that Cohen still had a RNC post.
Does Wynn the casino magnate and sexual harasser and possible rapist still have his post?
06-20-2018 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by hobbes9324
I wonder if this is more or less the high water mark for Trump - he's looking to back away from separating the kids from families, and it's going to be tough for him to keep the rubes riled up on the topic forever. The North Korea show for now is over - he got his photo ops, but if anything else is going to come from it its going to be months/years down the road after grinding negotiations - and most likely it'll fall apart anyway. His trade wars are going to start pinching the money guys in the GOP - hell, they're going to start pinching him soon enough - market tanked 350+ yesterday.

Where does he go for a "win" at this point - and it has to be something that takes 30 seconds or so to do, since he has the attention span of a gnat. He's not getting his wall.He's alienated pretty much every ally the US has - no one is going to toss him a bone in foreign affairs to make him look good with the possible exception of Putin, and we really don't have a wish list with Russia anyway AFAIK (except for Trump loving him, I suppose). Rant about Hilary, I suppose - but I'd think the amount of traction available there is diminishing?

When you’re having trouble getting the offense going, you usually go back to your bread and butter plays. In this case, that would be bombing some brown people in the Middle East.

(But really, I think that you need to expand your horizons on the stupid **** that’s possible.)
06-20-2018 , 02:10 PM
For anyone thinking Trump is backing down, he isn’t. He’s still enforcing zero tolerance. He is simply directing ICE to begin detaining families all together, in violation of a court order. So he’s directing people to break the law, when the courts put a quick stop to it he can point the blame finger more effectively at the “deep state”.

Things are gonna keep getting worse.
06-20-2018 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by alazo1985
I’m not on the fence and never said I was. I advised that hypothetically if someone truly thought I was, the way they were talking to me would simply cause me to leave the forum and stop investigating, or shut down and insult back. It wouldn’t be persuasive. Saying “**** the undecided” may feel good but it’s a bad way to make sure we pick up seats in November.
I'm not saying **** the undecided. I'm saying **** Trump supporters. They are never changing their minds and its useless to try to convince them otherwise. As far as I'm concerned, Trump supporters are a **** stain on our country and can go **** off. I'm done showing empathy or sympathy for anyone that still supports this regime. If that means I hurt your feelings, too bad. I don't care.
06-20-2018 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
When you’re having trouble getting the offense going, you usually go back to your bread and butter plays. In this case, that would be bombing some brown people in the Middle East.

(But really, I think that you need to expand your horizons on the stupid **** that’s possible.)
Well, we're already (directly or indirectly) involved in Yemen, but for whatever reason no one seems to care. Iran, maybe? But they would actually fight back, and he's a coward. He was at least in theory willing to take on N Korea, but since pretty much only S Koreans were going to die if things went sideways he was good with it, I think. Bolton might be able to gin him up to it, but after a big initial splash he's been sidelined. Or maybe his head exploded, who knows.

His range is pretty wide, though - you're right about that - I'm probably just not thinking creatively enough....

06-20-2018 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
I still dont think he's a racist because that would imply he has deep seated beliefs. Brown people are just easy out groups for him to target.

I firmly believe Trump is more detestable than a traditional racist that I mostly think of as a misguided human with mistaken beliefs.

Trump has no belief and empathy whatsoever and his only concern is himself. That makes him far more dangerous and worse than your run of the mill racist. You cant shock Trump's conscience because he has none.

Trump has been a racist his whole life

Not surprising either.


06-20-2018 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by hobbes9324
Well, we're already (directly or indirectly) involved in Yemen, but for whatever reason no one seems to care. Iran, maybe? But they would actually fight back, and he's a coward. He was at least in theory willing to take on N Korea, but since pretty much only S Koreans were going to die if things went sideways he was good with it, I think. Bolton might be able to gin him up to it, but after a big initial splash he's been sidelined. Or maybe his head exploded, who knows.

His range is pretty wide, though - you're right about that - I'm probably just not thinking creatively enough....

It's pretty clear that no one caring has to do with there not being pictures of starving Yemeni children on MSNBC and CNN every night.
06-20-2018 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by alazo1985

So some background:

I live in the middle of Trey Gowdys district. When I voted in the Democrat primary last Tuesday my fiancée and I were the first Democrats to vote in my precinct, but they were already finished with more than a page of Republicans.

I hate Trump. Most of my friends and neighbors don’t know why. Rather than shun me, we have engaged in quite a few discussions, and many listen to me with an open mind because I try to explain things from a point of view they understand. Telling my neighbor they are a ghoul for supporting Trump won’t persuade them, and isn’t helpful. You have to understand the power of the groupthink down here. Every public place plays the Fox News propaganda channel. They spend all week getting reinforced with propaganda from the tv, radio, friends, church, work, etc.

If I am going to influence any of their hearts or minds (and several I have) I have to be on point. I state facts as facts and if I am speculating in the slightest I present it as that. All of us may take for granted that Trump is a narcissist, a liar, and a racist, but if I say that to them they will shut down and not listen. Cue yesterday my boss presented Rush Limbaugh’s take on the child separation. He genuinely listens to my reply, so rather than speculate I did some research and put out the unbiased, speculation-of-motive-free, non-judgmental version here to organize my thoughts. Y’all attacked me with straw man after straw man... not cool. I’m actively doing everything I can to save this country from Trump. Outside of crying on an Internet forum, how many of you can say the same?
your family members think you're a bleeding heart pussy and they trash you when you're not around

i'm volunteering to help unseat ted cruz
06-20-2018 , 02:24 PM
on 538 he hasn't had disapproval numbers this low in 460 days!
06-20-2018 , 02:25 PM
Shut the **** up.
06-20-2018 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Explain the bolded. What influence can you show? Will these people be voting against Gowdy and Trump? Have they joined you in condeming the president for his heinous actions this past month? Ready to join you in protest?

What is the change you are seeing through these engagements? And what is better, to engage in a respectful conversation with the republicans who then go into the booth and pull the red lever anyway, or to have a non-voting democrat see real, true passion about the atrocities happening, and have them actually go into a booth and make a vote? Which is better spent using our time on, because like it or not, time is a finite resource. I'm doubtful your hours of research led to anything more than a 2 minute "huh, this guy makes some ok points" thought flash through the minds of those who (you readily admit) are already brainwashed by the cult.
so much this. the solution isn't trying to convert ****ing republicans, it's to turn out your own ****ing voters
06-20-2018 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
Let me put it differently then.

He's the worst kind of racist. He's the kind of racist that acts racist because it's convenient but doesn't actually hold those beliefs.

1. How can you know this

2. Since you can’t know what he thinks, you have to go by his actions

His actions are the actions of a racist
06-20-2018 , 02:26 PM
I don't hate alazo. I appreciate the effort, unsure what can come of it though.
06-20-2018 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol

i'm volunteering to help unseat ted cruz
