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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-16-2017 , 03:58 PM
A completely nuts person is POTUS that is clear to everyone now and like 40% are cheering this on and probably still half want this to continue.

What in the **** happened to this country?
02-16-2017 , 03:59 PM
That press conference was absolutely unbelievable. Speechless.

Can you imagine if he were deposed by a competent attorney?
02-16-2017 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Honestly, I think Trump is not nearly as ******ed as you guys are giving him credit for.
Wondering how you're feeling about this post three hours later.

02-16-2017 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Most presidents can give a press conference without major movement in the impeachment line.
yea this. its back up, -130 to not finish 4 year term
02-16-2017 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
LOL Inso0 still dreaming about making POTUS Scott Walker happen even after America looked at him and responded with a resounding "meh"
The poor man's Paul Ryan.
02-16-2017 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I'd actually love it if Trump got the curtain halfway through the first term. I just don't think it'll happen.

Under the smoke of Trump insanity, conservative causes are being pushed all across the country. The left is doing irreparable harm to their future viability via these temper tantrums, and Pence doesn't seem like the guy who would actively run for the big chair even after inheriting it.

Just about ANY actual conservative is going to look like the most perfectly reasonable candidate ever, odds are the country is still going to be riding the Trump hype train, and the path is cleared for Scott Walker 46th POTUS.

LOL. The orange messiah literally had a meltdown on live TV and your response is the left had a temper tantrum.

BTW-Nice foreshadowing there. Deep down, you know this clown is off the rails. You just can't admit it due to your cognitive dissonance. But hey! Scott Walker. It's been 4 weeks and even you are already looking forward to when he leaves office.
02-16-2017 , 04:00 PM
At some point you have to assume that someone from the Trump camp is going to leak the rumored Apprentice ****** outtakes tape to the press, just to distract attention from the rest of the universe.
02-16-2017 , 04:02 PM
It is impossible to keep up with this thread. Iam 20 pages behind. Can someone please summarize the scandal of the day for me?

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02-16-2017 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
A completely nuts person is POTUS that is clear to everyone now and like 40% are cheering this on and probably still half want this to continue.

What in the **** happened to this country?
They cheered on his completely nuts antics in the primary and POTUS race, why would they suddenly expect coherence or sanity?
02-16-2017 , 04:03 PM
Will @realDonaldTrump complete his full term as POTUS?

Yes +100
No -130

via @BovadaLV
02-16-2017 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Not to engage a troll here, but this is a fun example of the post-policy nature of conservative politics. Warren is a high-visibility, far-left commie villain for the GOP. BitchiBee here should be able to rattle off all kinds of irresponsible liberal positions Warren has taken or things she's done during her tenure that destroyed jobs and threatened the nation, but instead he's reduced to reheating these warmed-over fake Injun grievances. If you asked him what other things he hates Warren without allowing him to consult Google, he'd be speechless.
instead of talking or praising about her policies, you are alleging that the other party has no idea what she is for? gg great argument

oh yeah Warren's socialist policies, identity politics etc are typical from the left: immoral and will lead to economical and social bankruptcy

she's a role model for the 47 new personal pronouns. one day she can decide to be let's say a Native American pronoun, and the next day she can identify as another one. without any proof, it's subjective. don't doubt her or you are microaggressing her.
02-16-2017 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
It is impossible to keep up with this thread. Iam 20 pages behind. Can someone please summarize the scandal of the day for me?

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Trump spoke to the press for 70+ minutes.
02-16-2017 , 04:07 PM
Guys, Trump's base is never going to vote for a lefty and it's all because of the tantrums you've thrown the past few weeks
02-16-2017 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
They cheered on his completely nuts antics in the primary and POTUS race, why would they suddenly expect coherence or sanity?
There was still some % arguing otherwise. Particularly the "smarter ones".

It's incredible how many people are just glad for entertainment/libtears and dgaf about the consequences. Yeah, let's totally put both civil and nuclear war as possible outcomes of this presidency,****ing geniuses. (though civil won't be like the traditional mindset, since it won't be an actual military fight)
02-16-2017 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12

The right crying for 8 solid years totally screwed the GOP, look what a miserable state it's in!
Yes, do a comparison to TEA Party protests and the stuff that we've seen so far from the dems.

Or, just ask the Standing Rock Sioux, or the workers in charge of restoration after any number of Trump protests.

There's a difference between crying and full blown infantile temper tantrums. You guys can rip me all you want, but I witnessed the Left do all this exact same **** in Wisconsin during the early Walker days. It ended VERY poorly for them. You guys have a serious problem with knowing when to dial it back and put things in perspective.
02-16-2017 , 04:16 PM
Note how every single post by Inso/kypreanus is whining about "the left", Hillary, or Warren.
02-16-2017 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
A completely nuts person is POTUS

and like 40% are cheering this on and probably still half want this to continue.

what in the **** happened to this country?
I think anxiety towards minority has gotten so big that an important part of americans are willing to support Trump through rain and storm. Thats what makes the emotional trigger click. Once the emotional trigger is on stuff like the Putin thing and the DeVos situation is ignored or rationalized.

My amateur but not totally ignorant understanding of right wing psychology would lead me to attack Trump with the DeVos thing much more. The powerful family of donors putting their guy in the state apparatus may click some of his supporters because it fits the libertarian narrative.

Attacking Trump only with the Russia thing doesnt seem like such a good idea because geopolitics is extremely compex and the evidence is diffuse. People dont give a **** about Putin taking over Latvia and even then how do we know that Putin really wants to take over Latvia and this is not just a mainstream narrative just like it was narrative that Iraq had nuclear weapons and so on. OTOH the DeVos situation is ****ing obvious and there to be exploited.

Its such a shame that Trump didnt have the balls to stand up to the republican establishment and so on. That way you also attack his masculinity which is also part of the appeal he has to his base, etc.

EDIT: My post seem contradictory because it seems like Im saying that Trump supporters will rationalize the DeVos stuff and then I say its a good way of attacking him. Well , they are both true . The hardcore supporters will never change but at the same time some lighter supporters may start having serious doubts.
02-16-2017 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Yes, do a comparison to TEA Party protests and the stuff that we've seen so far from the dems.

Or, just ask the Standing Rock Sioux, or the workers in charge of restoration after any number of Trump protests.

There's a difference between crying and full blown infantile temper tantrums. You guys can rip me all you want, but I witnessed the Left do all this exact same **** in Wisconsin during the early Walker days. It ended VERY poorly for them. You guys have a serious problem with knowing when to dial it back and put things in perspective.
oh, you mean when he was raping unions?

yeah, don't protest that
02-16-2017 , 04:17 PM
Yo Inso, you conveniently avoided my question about what specific media you use for news. I'm genuinely curious.

What specific radio stations, websites, subreddits, do you use for news?
02-16-2017 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
There's a difference between crying and full blown infantile temper tantrums.
Doesn't matter if it's Black Lives Matter, or liberal opposition to Trump, or Standing Rock, or anything whatsoever that rustles right-wing jimmies, conservatives always have their same go-to line:

"Guys, guys, you're not protesting the right way. If only you protested in the manner we tell you, we'd agree with you!*"

*never in history has the right agreed with the protests of the left
02-16-2017 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
It's a campaign stop. For the 2020 election.


I'm starting to think that their immediate filing for the campaign wasn't actually some grand plan to limit speech against him while maybe expanding his lie-spreading platform. It literally was just because he forced them to do it because the only thing he enjoyed about campaigning was preaching to the choir and having them cheer. It's the best time he's ever had in his life, and he doesn't want to lose it.
I'm starting to think this is true. I know of a ruler in a country decades ago who loved rally's. For normal leaders though, especially in a country like the US, it should make little sense.

Originally Posted by dlk9s
Wait, why the **** does CNN still have panel discussions with people like Kayleigh McEnany? We don't need Trump cheerleaders on news shows. We need news reporting.
I don't really watch cable news and suspect this entertainment-based panels is one reason why. I just think times call for a shake-up and focus on reporting the news and covering issues and less about mindless partisan bantering.

Originally Posted by Dominic
Did you guys see the full Netenyahu/Trump press conference? Holy crap, Trump is ****ing insane. Netenyahu looked as if if he couldn't believe he was standing next to this yahoo. Like he wanted out of there immediately.

Everything Trump said was nonsense...almost gibberish.
There are only a couple leaders in the world who would not come across as elite standing next to trump.
02-16-2017 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
You guys have a serious problem with knowing when to dial it back and put things in perspective.
Here's things in perspective--the president of the united states is nuts and loves nukes.

You might have a point though, it does appear only republicans can whine and gain support from it. what a ****ing hypocritical world.
02-16-2017 , 04:20 PM
I witnessed things, while you guys were too busy crying

There's totally multiple connections there that all strain reason
02-16-2017 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Kafja
Wondering how you're feeling about this post three hours later.

Heh, I was out of the office and couldn't watch it, but if it was half as bad as you guys are making it out to be, then I should probably walk back my own rhetoric a bit.

This particular clip is clearly just Trump being WOAT at speaking off the cuff.

It does make him look like a buffoon. Tell them you'll look into it and write down a coherent response off-camera, ffs.
02-16-2017 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by JoltinJake
Note how every single post by Inso/kypreanus is whining about "the left", Hillary, or Warren.
cant defend the man and their own ****ty votes, gotta attack anything in sight
