Originally Posted by ChrisV
What is like 99% to happen is that NK will make some entirely cosmetic concession and Trump will declare victory and proclaim it the best deal in the history of deals.
Yup. He might lose on the deal and claim he won.
Originally Posted by champstark
lol CNN, "stunning victory for Trump" GTFO
It kind of is in a way. He was the one pushing this issue harder than anybody else. Of course he didn't do it for jingoistic reasons. He did it because he hates the NFL for refusing to let him buy a football team God knows how many years ago.
Also it's clickbaity. Deplorables click on it to see their God's victory and liberals click on it for anger porn.
Originally Posted by microbet
I used to have the West Wingy reaction to that football stuff that no real patriot would cheer the suppression of political speech. It's sham patriotism in America that rallies around the flag and the anthem. Trumpkinism cured me of that. Patriotism just flat out sucks in all cases everywhere. The irony here is that people aren't being forced to kneel. In this case standing is bowing down.
Very true. I've always found the faux patriotism to be super kitschy and shallow. The truth is that the whole support the troops thing is shallow from every imaginable angle. It's nothing but lip service from everybody.
Originally Posted by uke_master
delusion of grandeur eh?
I just love how every ****ing conversation about DS results in his professing just how creative and logical he thinks he is. Every time. That's his number 1 worldview. That he is so deluded he thinks elites might read and publicize his self proclaimed creative logical explanations as he gets routinely and rightly mocked on an internet forum is just so A+++
Kind of amazing. If he was really that smart, he'd be posting these remarkable theories and thought experiments in places where academics could discover his supposed brilliance. Maybe he'd try to submit an academic paper to a journal if he was that smart. Instead, he gets mocked on his own forum by posting these brilliant ideas where anybody else can snatch them as their own.
Originally Posted by markksman
It is pretty insane in 2018 we have not standardized voting from home for almost all elections. I do not know what the legitimate arguments are because anyone who has voted knows it is not some kind of Secure Enclave with in person voting.
I assume it comes from the racist voter Id law place.
About a month after I moved to a new apartment in Scotland, I received a voter registration form in the mail which included the option to mail my ballot directly to me when elections are held. It's pretty easy to do.
Another thing would be to move Election Day to Sunday like they have in Spain.
Originally Posted by zikzak
It's worse than that. It's pissing on everything the flag and anthem are supposed to represent. Forced participation is 100x more disrespectful than anything players have done.
It's incredibly un-American. The type of worship and patriotism expressed in America is only seen in dictatorships.