Originally Posted by einbert
I don't think Congress members can legally release this information publicly.
IC members can't legally leak it either and yet they're finding a way. As I said, if Senate Democrats can't effectively communicate that Trump is an actual Russian pawn without feeling guilty about being scofflaws or facing some legal trouble, then shame on these people. They are enjoying all the fruits of government service and not fulfilling their oaths to the Constitution and the country.
I suppose I remain a naive and hopeless idealist but I assume between the dozens or so Congress members that get briefings, one would stand up and capture that Profile in Courage award. Should be low hanging fruit here. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison for opposing an illegitimate regime; these ****ers are holding the goods on incriminating evidence on Trump but not acting? If anyone is in a position to act and get top-tier legal defense and tremendous institutional support, it's a Congressmember. They'd almost surely never see the inside of a prison if there's any there there.
Like I said, I have just enough slim hopes in our country that's not what is happening.