Originally Posted by einbert
I'm pretty much boycotting all of MSNBC after that whole election fiasco. What went down with Melissa Harris-Perry and the whole Morning Joe ****show were completely unacceptable. MSNBC is not on the side of We The People, they are bigly capitalists and they are just exploiting this whole situation. They are not a real news organization and they are not to be trusted.
Not that this needs rehashing in this thread, but the way Maddow **** all over Bernie and took his remarks out of context about Women's reproductive issues, then acted for a few days like she had just broken the biggest news of the primary, was out of step. I think she had an agenda and probably legitimately thought Hillary would be a better president than Bernie and felt like it was important to play as big a role in that process as possible. Not that this is a hot take, but I feel the same way. Bernie is the candidate saying the things progressives and democrats should be saying, and Hillary would have a better understanding of the role and would be able to handle the nuance of being a world leader better. Bernie might galvanize his base to fight harder, but she would probably deal with foreign policy and decision making on the day to day more effectively.
For a while I decided I wouldn't watch Maddow anymore.....but I've grown out of that. The Democratic party is a broad coalition of competing interests, and politics can get ugly. She is an amazing reporter and, while I watch much less cable news than I did during the campaign, she's still amazing at her job.
I agree with you einbert about MSNBC's stance in general (pro corporatism, not particularly progressive), but Maddow and Chris Hayes are really good at what they do. Looking forward to Chris Hayes' interview with Susan Sarandon tonight. She was a big Bernie advocate, even going so far as to say it might be better to elect Trump than Hillary because it could galvanize the people to wake up and fight for their rights.