Originally Posted by PocketChads
It's not that you're changing someone's mind. It's that their mind wasn't made up yet, or that you turned something they could "see the point of" into something that is an undeniable law of the universe.
Increasing enthusiasm, and turning someone who has sympathy for you into a true believer... efforts to do that have like infinitely more EV in politics than trying to change someone's values.
right. I agree with this. I'm not really talking about people who don't care to think for themselves. I'm more interested in decisions made by people who are using their brain and are inclined to think through things and look for facts before making a decision on what they believe.
Shouldn't individuals take it upon themselves to make up their own mind and form their own opinions by seeking out all sides of the story and the facts? I am not saying that most do or ever will, but just wondering if they
should. I've always held the viewpoint that its irresponsible to just blindly believe what you're told no matter who the source is or what the topic is. I generally try to form my own opinions and seek out multiple sources of information and think others should too. If they don't then that's their decision, but it seems to make them more susceptible to being duped or simply following the uninformed masses to their own detriment.
If people are willing to be led astray by repeated misinformation that's a character flaw imo.