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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-14-2017 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
It's actually lots of $, lots and lots of $. Specifically, oil.

anyway, the reported favorite to be the new natsec guy Vice Admiral Robert Harward, worked under Mattis and is the CEO for lockheed martin UAE. Lockheed Martin only has a ****load of defense contracts. No conflict of interest there, *facepalm*.

At least he might not have ties to russia, so there's that I guess.
Sounds like a Muslim apologist iyam.
02-14-2017 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Holt ****. Yes, a rich woman getting a hard time being confirmed to a powerful position in government is exactly the same as a six year old black girl getting death threats because she dared to go to school with white students.

These racists are amazing.

In case people don't get the reference:
**** these people. No amount of ire is enough for them.
02-14-2017 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Fatal Checkraise
Jeez. Someone pointed out that Trump, Potus and White House have apparently unfollowed Conway on Twitter.

Whatever that means.
So it is confirmed. WOW! Or it's just another deflection tactic.
02-14-2017 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Holt ****. Yes, a rich woman getting a hard time being confirmed to a powerful position in government is exactly the same as a six year old black girl getting death threats because she dared to go to school with white students.

These racists are amazing.

In case people don't get the reference:
Thank you for explaining this. I didn't get the reference.

There aren't enough bad things that can happen to these thoughtless monsters
02-14-2017 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by bigt2k4
So the probability of nearly everything in that MI6 Trump dossier being true is what now?
Couldn't give you a number. But I can imagine a particularly cunning pre-built mole detection system, where everyone known to know of a particularly sensitive secret is given, through ostensibly informal channels, a different irresistibly salacious anecdote linked in some way to the sensitive secret. So if it all leaks, you might get to know who leaked it simply by what prurient details are attached to the leak.

That's all probably a bit too Hollywood, but basically I don't think this moves the bar all that much on Peegate itself.
02-14-2017 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by will1530
Sounds like a Muslim apologist iyam.
Iran is actually fighting terrorists, so it's stupid to make them consider not doing that.

Saudi Arabia on the other hand, they need to get sanctioned. That won't happen though, people would rather have terrorists than slightly higher gas prices.

While I don't have nat sec info, at the very least we should be more on Saudis if we're gonna go that route.

Last edited by wheatrich; 02-14-2017 at 07:29 PM.
02-14-2017 , 07:35 PM
Army should take over then invite some Canadians down to run the place.
02-14-2017 , 07:35 PM
So Trump knowing about this for "weeks" (at least) means:

- he didn't think it was worth firing Flynn immediately
- he didn't think it was important to correct the record when Flynn lied about it
- he didn't think it was important to tell Pence the truth

It really strains credulity that Trump didn't actively want Flynn to reassure the Russians about sanctions, especially when you add in all of the other known Russians connections.

The only reason any of this is happening is because the media found out the truth.
02-14-2017 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
This isn't true across the board for farmers. Some stand to benefit from decreased trade with Mexico. Tomato growers, berry growers and probably leafy green growers will probably get higher prices from a trade war.
So Cali wins and the mid west loses?

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02-14-2017 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
It's on Reuters as well.

This guy is going to try to govern for 2 months and then deal with legal issues for 46 months lol.
The people responsible for the security and procedures in a case like that don't exist because the guys who did it for obama were let go and nobody else was hired to replace them.

This is such a common theme in this cluster and I still remember trump defenders arguing that their transition team was fine and not ridiculously broken.

I think there are fewer staffers now than a week ago.
02-14-2017 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Fatal Checkraise
Jeez. Someone pointed out that Trump, Potus and White House have apparently unfollowed Conway on Twitter.

Whatever that means.

Who's next?
02-14-2017 , 07:44 PM
I'm also very interested to see if Flynn lied to the FBI or not.

If he did, it's a felony. If he didn't, and then continued to lie about it publicy, that would be amazingly shameless.
02-14-2017 , 07:45 PM
so uh HR 41, that just allows oil companies to bribe gov't right? Looks like it.
02-14-2017 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by bigt2k4
So the probability of nearly everything in that MI6 Trump dossier being true is what now?

And if it is, when will it be discovered and how soon after would impeachment proceedings begin?
The crooked media guys implied pretty heavily in their last podcast that the dossier was extremely legitimate. It was a bit of an aside but it seemed they had either seen it or knew someone they trusted implicitly who had.

I do feel like things have switched in terms of energy and slow rolling has taken over as things drop apart.
02-14-2017 , 07:47 PM
Can someone explain, is the smart money on:

1. Putin having serious dirt on Donald

2. Straight up bribery where Trump gets billions for doing what Putin wants

3. Both?
02-14-2017 , 07:49 PM
Am I missingf something or no news outlet are asking WHY he told russia they'd lower sanctions?!

I guess thats gonna come pretty soon

02-14-2017 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by JoltinJake
I'm also very interested to see if Flynn lied to the FBI or not.

If he did, it's a felony. If he didn't, and then continued to lie about it publicy, that would be amazingly shameless.
Pete Williams said that his FBI sources indicate no criminal wrong doing by Flynn so he must have been crafty in his responses if not truthful.

As for who is next, maybe Priebus or Conway. The Labor guy may never make it but he wasn't pictured.
02-14-2017 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
It's not hyperbole, he is the woat. Someone please make an argument for a worse president.

He hasn't done the worse things, like start huge wars for no reason, but does anyone think it's anything more than time which has prevented this?

Name a worse cabinet?
Name a worse first month?
Name a president less competent in the basic business of governing?
Name a president with a more lothesome inner circle?
Name a president with more international security risk?
There's a period of American history called the Gilded Age on account of how openly corrupt Washington was. The US has had many horrible Presidents.

The worst post WW II is almost certainly W. Maybe Nixon is in second place. Maybe Carter just because of how rightward the country shifted after he was out of office.

Trump definitely has high woat equity, but the bar is also high.
02-14-2017 , 07:56 PM
02-14-2017 , 07:57 PM
Anyone else worried about the safety of Mike Pence?

I don't like him even a little bit but he does seem to have been despicable congrssses safety valve. And there is no way that the Bannon know would ever have Pence or anyone like that on board.

The GOP wants to be able to replace Trump with Pence without pissing off the trump supporters too much. So all this really plays into their hands. But Bannon has to be really worried because Pence represents his potential demise.

By the way if and when congress does something they will deserve no credit. They have passed on so many opportunities to make meaningful impacts in all this.
02-14-2017 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by th14
Yeah just because right-wingers aren't vocal about this now, don't assume that's because they are ashamed of it or angry at Trump or anything like that. Part of the Fox News strategy is the Great Wall of Silence on substantive matters like this. They'll mention it briefly in passing in order to check a box, but they will frame it in a COMPLETELY different way than the mainstream media and most right-wingers will come away from the day's news coverage feeling like, what is there to talk about. It's not a big deal really, just the liberal media trying to take anything Trump does and make it into the worst thing ever.
02-14-2017 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
So Cali wins and the mid west loses?

Sent from my LGL52VL using Tapatalk
02-14-2017 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Remember how the grab the pussy tape was forgotten in like two days and Trumpkins were right back at it? As long as he keeps up the racism, they won't bail on him. Ever.
My Mom was disgusted by that tape and is not a fan of Trump at all. 2 weeks later she's re-posting Curt Schilling's screen on FB excusing it as locker-room talk and putting forth the impressively ballsy false premise that that was a one time slip up which wasn't emblematic of Trump.

FU Schilling you sack of garbage.
02-14-2017 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Greenwald is pretty regularily for whatever policy results in the most exposure and public openness. He lives by the mantra information wants to be free.

This is a good stance 99.99% of the time.
Unless it's exposing WikiLeaks' pro-Russia bias. Then he gets pissy.
02-14-2017 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
Reverse mortgage foreclosure specialist Steven Mnuchin confirmed as Treasury secretary by a vote of 53-47.

Quite the ****ing murder's row he's got going.
Murderers' row. Good work on the first hundred days info.

Originally Posted by martymc1
Army should take over then invite some Canadians down to run the place.
I agree. Just temporarily until you fools can get your house in order. If there's any country you can trust to "now give it back (give what back?)" it's Canada.
