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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-14-2017 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Well as others have said: one of the highest positions in our national security apparatus in the Trump Admin might well be held by a criminal who plead guilty to unauthorized retention of classified material, who is replacing a guy who had to resign due to his potentially criminal contacts with a foreign autocracy. #MAGA

But all you have to do is see notorious "Never Trumpers" like seattle stare agog at his chest full of medals issuing assurances America is NOW in safe hands and the Trump Admin will now honestly and transparently self-investigate themselves, thank goodness. And you realize there's no amount of bad optics that can shake even Trump's SKEPTICS when the end of the tunnel are those sweet, sweet tax cuts. So Trump can nominate Patraeus, Invanka, Chris Christie, or Igor Sechin, doesn't matter, GOP ain't gonna move much and they have all the power so it's down the justice system literally prosecuting these people or just waiting until 2018/2020 to see what's left of free and fair elections.
Of course the man that's going to put the Trump administration's Intelligence operation on the straight and narrow has to get approval from his probation officer to take the job. All the best people.
02-14-2017 , 12:00 PM

Sent without irony by the president who recently had a crisis meeting about North Korea in a crowded restaurant with his advisors using camera phones as lights.
02-14-2017 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Wait, am I reading too much into this or is he basically saying that others were involved?
You can sense the tension brewing. Conway is on Today making it a point to repeat that the big failure here was the lie to Pence (again, strange that Pence is somehow the arbiter of this whole thing; where's Trump?)

In other words: the problem isn't what Flynn did, it's that he lied about it. It's personal.

And Flynn is saying he's the scapegoat. Basically, as I said it: I'm guilty but we were all guilty of doing it.

I don't think you need to be an intrepid reporter or even just anything more than a curious listener to note that Conway is trying to make it personal and a matter of personal ethics and not a systemic problem, and Flynn wants to portray himself as nobly falling on his sword for America's interests in conspiring with Russia or something.
02-14-2017 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Wait, am I reading too much into this or is he basically saying that others were involved?
Sounds more like the classic non apology apology.

Like on the Sopranos when they kill some random guy instead of Phil - "Paulie wants it to be known that he takes full responsibility, but that he didn't do nothing wrong"
02-14-2017 , 12:03 PM
lol at the "Trump is just learning" excuse

Start a new and difficult job, ignore all existing guidelines, make as many radical decisions as possible, attack any critic. Just learning!
02-14-2017 , 12:05 PM
Yeah, there was a conservative "commentator" on CNN late last night trying to say that this was all "politics."

02-14-2017 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
Well he's nearly a month into his term. He hasn't accomplished a single thing yet. His EO -- which was worded terribly -- was stayed by the federal courts.

I don't think he's really done anything of value yet besides overheat the stock markets, which, while that increases my 403b value doesn't really matter because I don't plan on touching it for another 30 years.

But again, I don't get all fired up thinking the world is going to end like you all do.

I do like to call out the hyperbole here though when 3 weeks into his term you declare him the WOAT. It's because reality doesn't exist here. The actual reality of the situation is that Trump faces a steep learning curve going from businessman to President. And he's clearly fumbled around in the first 3 weeks.
Just wanted to thank you for a reasonable response to the question posed.

I am assuming that Trump is not going to get better because he doesn't do intel briefings, doesn't really care, and thinks he is smarter than everyone else.

Its going to be 4 years of this, assuming he doesn't get impeached before then.
02-14-2017 , 12:07 PM
Hey, pardon me for not remembering, but did President Obama have a media spin doctor like Conway? Obviously he had a Press Secretary, but I don't remember him having someone go on all the news shows every day and spin hot bull****. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.
02-14-2017 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Yeah, there was a conservative "commentator" on CNN late last night trying to say that this was all "politics."

Like, even if you believe that it's "just politics", you've elected a guy who is so absolutely terrible at "politics" that his cabinet is falling apart with backbiting within a month. How is that even a defense?
02-14-2017 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Hey, pardon me for not remembering, but did President Obama have a media spin doctor like Conway? Obviously he had a Press Secretary, but I don't remember him having someone go on all the news shows every day and spin hot bull****. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.
He had Robert Gibbs before and during his first term, Axelrod and a few others iirc

The main distinguishing feature of Conway is her willingness to repeat verfiable bull**** with a straight face and then keep coming back after being exposed. I would think it would take its toll at some point.
02-14-2017 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
I don't see anything unconstitutional in that link. We may disagree with his expansion of border security, but it isn't unconstitutional. Expansion of the surveillance state is not the same thing as border security.
I referenced a very good piece from On The Media recently that sheds light on CBP pre-Trump.

It's a series of pretty indefensible vignettes about mistreatment on the part of CBP agents.

Want more than vignettes? Not possible. The CBP isn't obliged to release data or comment on any accused wrongdoing or internal investigations. It's a black box.

Very sketchy organization, and imo takes the premise that constitutional rights don't apply because you haven't been admitted into the country way, way too far.
02-14-2017 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
It's not hyperbole, he is the woat. Someone please make an argument for a worse president.

He hasn't done the worse things, like start huge wars for no reason, but does anyone think it's anything more than time which has prevented this?

Name a worse cabinet?
Name a worse first month?
Name a president less competent in the basic business of governing?
Name a president with a more lothesome inner circle?
Name a president with more international security risk?

I hate these hyperbolic posts about worst Presidents. Eight Presidents owned slaves, Harding raided the treasury, two were complicit in 100k+ deaths in Vietnam, two ran on the PROMISE of end slavery (prior to Lincoln) then did absolutely nothing to stop it, one led a trillon-dollar unnecessary war... the list goes on... nothing Obama did or Trump has done yet qualify them to be in the lower half of "worst presidents" ... #DoYourResearch
02-14-2017 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by vyken111
I hate these hyperbolic posts about worst Presidents. Eight Presidents owned slaves, Harding raided the treasury, two were complicit in 100k+ deaths in Vietnam, two ran on the PROMISE of end slavery (prior to Lincoln) then did absolutely nothing to stop it, one led a trillon-dollar unnecessary war... the list goes on... nothing Obama did or Trump has done yet qualify them to be in the lower half of "worst presidents" ... #DoYourResearch
This is fair. Still early though! Plus it's more perspective-keeping than research. I do think it's useful for the left to portray Trump as outside the bounds of historical norms despite the fact, as you say, we actually have a checkered past and plenty of crimes against humanity lay at the feet of American Presidents (e.g., Iraq War, Jackson forcibly removing Native Americas on death marches, Vietnam, John Tyler being a staunch defender of slavery while President and perpetuating slave power for another generation, Polk acting on it and invading Mexico to appease slavocracy interests, etc). Still, useful to point out Trump is dangerous and terrible before he matches their feats plus he's armed way better and way more powerful than all but the recent Presidents.

Last edited by DVaut1; 02-14-2017 at 12:29 PM.
02-14-2017 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
well, its not clear if SNL is serious or not either if you're not familiar with SNL. Same with Kelly Anne Conway when she is spouting her nonsense. There is some responsibility on individuals to discern real vs. fake, intent, and any biases or motivations for distributing information in today's environment. We should all strive to understand this through all forms of media whether it be this thread, twitter, online articles, the (fake) news, or any other medium.
I don't know man, seems OK to take posts at face value when there's no obvious context that they shouldn't be. Drawing a parallel to SNL or Conway seems dubious, but I take your point about trying to find context in order to understand better.
02-14-2017 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12

yeah transparency is the real enemy here
Check the lead story on it's not Flynn, it's mole hunting.
02-14-2017 , 12:26 PM
those Flynn tweets are fake fyi
02-14-2017 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Remember the vote of confidence Flynn got right before he left? Priebus got a similar TRUMP vote of this

Lol, blaming Reince for the poor EO that Bannon and Miller drafted which was torpedoed by Bannon cruelly insisting that it apply to permanent residents is pure insanity. Also seems unfair to blame him for not getting Trump's awful/morally deficient cabinet picks through quicker.

This article is pretty much confirmation that Bannon is playing Trump for the idiotic, easily manipulated puppet he is.

Last edited by Pwn_Master; 02-14-2017 at 12:42 PM.
02-14-2017 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
This isn't true across the board for farmers. Some stand to benefit from decreased trade with Mexico. Tomato growers, berry growers and probably leafy green growers will probably get higher prices from a trade war.
NAFTA was more about protecting American property rights in Mexico than lowering tariffs and big tomato farms in Mexico are often owned by guys like J. Fife Symington IV from NY. If we have to grow more tomatoes here it just means the same people who are indentured to pick in Mexico will have to cross the invisible wall to pick in the US. Lord Symington might find his property rights dimished down south though.
02-14-2017 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
those Flynn tweets are fake fyi
Yep, they got me. He's only a major general in that pic, dead giveaway
02-14-2017 , 12:31 PM
02-14-2017 , 12:33 PM
How long before what Flynn said in those conversations is revealed? Or will we ever know? Its been reported that it was the Russian Ambassador whose phone was tapped. But now in light of everything, do American intelligence agencies monitor Flynn's future contacts and conversations? He doesn't have a job now and probably has some very valuable inside info that other countries would be interested in.
02-14-2017 , 12:35 PM
In case it wasn't obvious, I highly recommend drinking a bottle of wine and perusing the Breitbart comments.
02-14-2017 , 12:35 PM
In before Inso0 comes in to tell us that Clovis just gave Trump 4 more years by calling him the WOAT. Yes he's a complete bumbling idiot whose cabinet is falling apart 3 weeks in but that kind of hyperbole just cannot stand and he'll be forced to vote for Trump again in 4 years and also sign an agreement to unequivocally support Trump for the rest of his life.
02-14-2017 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Onlydo2days
Pud's Wifey of course retracted the abuse allegations so there will be nothing to see here
02-14-2017 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
those Flynn tweets are fake fyi
Dammit. I think that's the first time I ever bit on a fake account.

Thanks for pointing it out.
