Podcast from Slate called Trumpcast came recommended on this forum, and I've been listening to every episode since that recommendation a few weeks ago. A 24 year old journalist Olivia Nuzzi requested an interview with Preibus I believe, and was actually granted a 1 on 2 interview with both Steve Bannon and Reince Preibus titled
Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus Want You to Know They Are Friends, where they proceed to act as though they aren't all at war with each other, each of the major white house staffers. In the Trumpcast she basically says they're really leaking to a constituency of one, Donald Trump. He's so hooked on CNN Fox et al. that they feel the best way to get through to him is to leak good things about themselves individually or bad things about their opponents (other staffers) to various media outlets hoping for coverage to sway Trump's opinion.
WAAF LLC sounds like a pretty solid business premise. You have some
competition in Kansas.