Originally Posted by zikzak
Judge Judy is wildly popular. Maybe something to think about.
She's popular precisely because having an old woman lecture you and boss you around is seen as humiliating. Most of those old reality shows are based on watching people get humiliated (Springer, etc). Judge Judy would be an absolute disaster as a political candidate.
It's not merely being a woman that makes someone a bad candidate, it's being a particular type of woman. Michelle Obama would be a fine candidate. She's a devoted mother, a supportive wife in a good relationship, she has a calming voice, and she gets emotional at appropriate times. She's everything a woman is supposed to be. The idea that Warren would be a good candidate because she's a firebrand is bizarre.
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Uh, Hillary would've won if she had a remotely competent campaign and wasn't sabotaged by the FBI.
You're only counting one side of the ledger here. She lost to the least popular presidential candidate in history. She would have been obliterated by a decent candidate.
You guys really need a crash course in how people that aren't you think. A Democratic candidate needs to combine appealing to the base with exciting progressive policies with appealing on an emotional level to people with conservative values.
Obama did both. Although he's black, in many ways he's the conservative Platonic ideal of what a black guy should look like (well-spoken, strong family ideals, BOOTSTRAPS etc). The attacks on him which resonated during the campaign were efforts to paint him as un-American (Jeremiah Wright) or literally not American (birtherism). These ultimately failed, but efforts to attack e.g. his inexperience or his policy positions didn't get off the ground at all.
Hillary did more or less neither. And what the hell does Warren bring to the table in this regard? People on the left think she's likeable because she exemplifies THEIR values, but what about her makes people with conservative values feel good on an emotional level? If you think that the lesson from Trump is that people want to hear Warren talk about draining the swamp, you are comically off the mark.