Originally Posted by FlyWf
Yeah like, y'all aren't thinking this through. Normal people lie for very, very specific reasons, in very, very specific ways. "I wasn't home the night my husband was murdered" "The check is in the mail" and so forth. Normal people's lies are aware of the reality, aware that the reality is bad for them, and they use their critical thinking ability to come up with a plausible story that is better for them.
Trump just lies to lie. Reality is not a thing he cares about, he creates his own reality. That's very different than just being wrong or incorrect. Lots of people are incorrect without lying, but those are honest mistakes. Trump doesn't sincerely believe he's accurately describing reality, the concept of "accurately describing reality" is just entirely foreign to his worldview.
Maybe he thinks reality bends to his whims. It amuses me that he's apparently correct.
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Trump is some kind of cartoon villain. He snap takes the most idiotic and offensive position on everything.
God he amuses me. Absurdity is a treasure.
Originally Posted by Kafja
In defense of LordJvKs point though -
What exactly does 'great communicator' mean? Was Obama a great communicator? Obviously he spoke eloquently in long, thought out paragraphs, with good grammar and a broad vocabulary, about things he was well informed about. But if x% of the country (20? 40? Who knows at this point) is functionally incapable of understanding him, is that good communication?
Whereas Trump speaks stupidly and incoherently about things he is extremely poorly informed about, but the general thrust of what he's saying is clear to even the most incompetent. Hillary bad, terrorists bad, America good, bring back jobs, etc. Maybe that's the point being made?
Obama's an excellent communicator and speaker. So, obv yes. Too many cons, and not enough pros, to be dumbing himself down for those incapable of understanding him.
Originally Posted by RV Life
So Trump is firing this guy not because he's bad at his job but because he was portrayed by a woman on SNL right?
Once Spice was accurately portrayed by a woman he was no longer considered masculine enough to be Trump's lackey.
I'm content since jumping on the nihilism train. Burn it all, idgaf. I think it's unlikely that there's a meaning or purpose to anything beyond procreating. And even that, wgaf? So our species dies out. No great loss.