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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

11-24-2017 , 07:14 PM
Men of the year

Joseph Stalinx2
Adolph Hitler
Ayatullah Khomeini
Newt Gingrich
Both Bushes (W twice)
Donald Trumpx1

List chocked full of fumb ducks.
11-24-2017 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Ari Melber will have Mariotti v. THE DERSH in a mock trial on his show at 6 PM, might be worth recording to watch while high later.
This is terrible so far.
11-24-2017 , 07:33 PM
Bob Mueller for MOTY 2018
11-24-2017 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by bware
Bob Mueller for MOTY 2018
Should give it to Obama.

First, it will trigger Trump hard.

Second, it's probably true. Now that we've actually experienced the WOAT presidency for a year, we realize how good we had it. It's like how Aaron Rodgers would get my vote for MVP this year.
11-24-2017 , 08:41 PM
Does the ACLU twitter person read 2+2?
11-24-2017 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by adios
We're getting closer to that "smoking gun" that will take TRUMP down, I can feel it.
If it were not for people like you who betray America there would of already been enough to boot him.
11-24-2017 , 09:04 PM
lolaidsios as always
11-24-2017 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by spidercrab
This is terrible so far.
feel free to spoil it as it is now on my DVR and as such will probably be there unwatched this time next year
11-24-2017 , 09:16 PM
Melber seems smart and competent but that could be because I've mostly seen him in short segments. With his own show it will be harder to maintain a high level of quality.
11-24-2017 , 09:30 PM
Former editor of Time magazine with a pretty nice dig at Trump:
11-24-2017 , 09:53 PM
So apparently this is an annual thing with Trump

11-24-2017 , 11:06 PM
11-24-2017 , 11:18 PM
Should pick Kaepernick for maximum trolling.
11-24-2017 , 11:40 PM
Serious guesses as to who it will be? I suspect it is going to be Trump again. Nobody else really comes to mind as a possibility. Comey, maybe? Hopefully next year it'll be Mueller.
11-24-2017 , 11:45 PM
kaep would be incredible, and is like 6-1 on pinny, gogogogogo. For sure not Comey. Apparently Macaroon is the favorite? And Trump is second favorite? I'll take the field
11-24-2017 , 11:51 PM
If the criteria is truly (stolen from the Wikipedia page) "a person, a group, an idea, or an object that for better or for worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year", then it should be Trump without question.

As for who it will be, could be a number of people.

Putin seems like a good possibility. Xi Jinping too. Carmen Yulín Cruz if they want to stick it to Trump. Steve Bannon maybe. They could be more vague with it and go with "The Resistance", "The Dreamers", or "#MeToo".
11-24-2017 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
kaep would be incredible, and is like 6-1 on pinny, gogogogogo. For sure not Comey. Apparently Macaroon is the favorite? And Trump is second favorite? I'll take the field
Just looked at those odds there. Putin at 27/1 seems like insane value.

He's the only one that can legit compete with Trump for "influenced the events of the year".
11-24-2017 , 11:56 PM
Women don’t get to be person? The only thing anybody talks about other than Trump is Mueller. He’s bringing indictments for God’s sake. It’s gotta be Mueller. Fun sweaty.
11-24-2017 , 11:56 PM
Macroon seems like an insane choice. Kim, Putin, or Kaep seem like much better anti-Trump choices.
11-24-2017 , 11:56 PM
Should prob be Bannon.
Originally Posted by fatkid
Women don’t get to be person?
Merkel got it recently, otherwise, we're open to suggestions.
11-24-2017 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
Women don’t get to be person?
11-25-2017 , 12:00 AM
Sometimes they have a goofy, kitschy one.

Maybe they should do that this year. Maybe they can make it a hashtag.

If they don't think outside the box, they have to pick Trump.
11-25-2017 , 12:01 AM
I understand why Macron is the favorite. I don't agree with it, but I get it.
11-25-2017 , 12:01 AM
Mueller is way better than Kaep. Would super fade that bet.
11-25-2017 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Serious guesses as to who it will be? I suspect it is going to be Trump again. Nobody else really comes to mind as a possibility. Comey, maybe? Hopefully next year it'll be Mueller.
It should be leakers/the press. The press has been pretty good at clipping the admintrations wings, from Flynn and Price to Obamacare repeal. The Trump admistrations dishonesty, disloyalty and incompetence make the press a pretty devistating foil.
