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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-07-2017 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Take it away, Congressman:
The Marxist, who took her life, a leftist guy
I don't know all that much about Loughner, but I remember him being ardently pro-life and deeply concerned about fiat currency. He was, clearly, also profoundly mentally ill, but I'm not sure where 'left-wing' comes in. Not that it matters in particular.
02-07-2017 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Standing the governments best argument?
maybe but the DOJ lawyer didn't really put it that way
02-07-2017 , 07:41 PM
Do people stuck overseas and haven't arrived in the US have some kind of insurmountable hurdle getting into court besides logistics of finding an attorney? Why did it take Washington stepping in to get those people relief?
02-07-2017 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Do people stuck overseas and haven't arrived in the US have some kind of insurmountable hurdle getting into court besides logistics of finding an attorney? Why did it take Washington stepping in to get those people relief?
To get a TRO/injunciton? Likely. To argue on the merits? Unlikely.
02-07-2017 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
maybe but the DOJ lawyer didn't really put it that way
02-07-2017 , 07:47 PM
Clifton a rightie?
02-07-2017 , 07:47 PM
There is a reason why the first wave of TROs were for feet dry people and none were for feet wet people, but I don't know what that reason is.
02-07-2017 , 07:48 PM
Do the math bitch! lol. Purcell a bit shook.
02-07-2017 , 07:48 PM
Most of the legal experts on CNN thought this was going to be overturned but the body language early on from the panel sure appears it won't happen.
02-07-2017 , 07:50 PM
God I love the fact that Giuliani ****ed Trump so hard here by going on TV and blabbing his big mouth
02-07-2017 , 07:52 PM
Has Giuliani come up during the call?
02-07-2017 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
God I love the fact that Giuliani ****ed Trump so hard here by going on TV and blabbing his big mouth
It shouldn't matter anyway in reality because there are 40 Muslim majority nations not included in this ban.
02-07-2017 , 07:52 PM
This Clifton Bush judge is a Trumpkin.
02-07-2017 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Has Giuliani come up during the call?
Purcell has brought him up three times (although not specifically by name).
02-07-2017 , 07:53 PM
These judges sound tough. They're equally pummeling the Washington judge.
02-07-2017 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Has Giuliani come up during the call?
02-07-2017 , 07:55 PM
he just did ye

never forget this face

02-07-2017 , 07:55 PM
This attorney is getting equally wrecked, as far as I'm concerned.

The procedural advantage is that WA developed a record, the U.S. did not. I think this goes 2-1 in favor of WA but good lord the SCOTUS arguments better be light years ahead of this.
02-07-2017 , 07:56 PM
If the Govt didn't have Saul arguing for them then maybe they could have had a chance.
02-07-2017 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
This attorney is getting equally wrecked, as far as I'm concerned.

The procedural advantage is that WA developed a record, the U.S. did not. I think this goes 2-1 in favor of WA but good lord the SCOTUS arguments better be light years ahead of this.
They will be better because they will have a ton of time to prepare and practice (like months).
02-07-2017 , 07:58 PM
That interview with kellyanne goebels was amazing.
02-07-2017 , 07:58 PM
You guys are being way too tough on both lawyers, by the way. This **** is really hard, especially on such short notice with a hot bench.
02-07-2017 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
This attorney is getting equally wrecked, as far as I'm concerned.

The procedural advantage is that WA developed a record, the U.S. did not. I think this goes 2-1 in favor of WA but good lord the SCOTUS arguments better be light years ahead of this.
I don't know if it'll ever make to the Supreme Court if Trump loses. They were only doing this for 90-120 days to get a change in the vetting procedures. By the time Gorsuch is seated it'll be 2-3 months and I think by then they'll have come up with whatever changes they wanted and they'll most likely drop the case. If Trump wins its going to the SCOTUS for sure
02-07-2017 , 07:59 PM
Yea judges wrecking both.
02-07-2017 , 08:00 PM
Hope Trump's treason trial is as fun.
