Originally Posted by champstark
Yeah, after reading this I'm even more convinced it's going to be deemed illegal under the Immigration Act as opposed to unconstitutional. It's exactly the kind of logic Roberts could get behind to stop the ban 5-4 (assuming it doesn't go to SCOTUS until after Gorsuch is confirmed).
I have a probably useless hope that (not necessarily for this specific case, but in general) when Trump stuff comes up before the supreme court, even the diehard righties like Thomas and Alito think Trump is such a pos, they will come up with some way to rule against the DOJ (i.e., concurring with some sort of separate opinion that doesn't contradict everything else they've written). Also, so far, Trump's team is such a tire fire that there will likely be all sorts of sloppy language in the EOs, etc. that they can nit them without having to change their overall philosophy.
But I'm not holding my breath.
Last edited by Melkerson; 02-07-2017 at 12:38 PM.