Originally Posted by DVaut1
I'm gonna go back the other way here and reference our recent disagreement: Democrats and the left frankly needs to be doing way more right now to inculcate and produce a feeling of anger and resentment at what's being done. For instance: that botched attack in Yemen is the perfect example of something that tickets all the boxes. Foster a sense of nationalism -- our boys lives matter. We all agree with that! Trump's incompetence puts them in harm's way. Trump is betraying out national identity by spilling our blood in a careless way. Use the rhetoric of grievance and resentment and nationalism.
This should have been a lay-up that imo Democrats are still failing to capitalize on.
But it can't be just that. It can be that for now. Do not get addicted to it. Do not let it replace our long-term ideals and what we're trying to do to achieve them and work on building long-term political consensus for it. The right-wing has effectively gained power with it, sure, but consider to what end. They haven't rebuilt the Reagan coalition. They haven't won a lasting victory. And critically I think the mindset that gets addicted to grievance politics and resentment is incapable of getting there.
Originally Posted by 5ive
100% agree but also 100% have no faith it will work. Well, maybe 98%.
It's the same line we vehement antiwar people tried to take 15 years ago.
"No war!"
"You don't Support Our Troops?"
"Yes we do! We support them so much we want to bring them home so they don't die in a pointless quagmire."
"Why do you hate freedom?!?"
Originally Posted by Autocratic
It's worse than this. Remember when Kerry made his service the linchpin of his campaign and they created swiftboating? These people do not have respect for troops or military service as a rule.
The line re: Yemen should be "Trump is incompetent." That's it.
Just getting back to this.
I agree that a majority, probably a vast majority of Trumpkins are simply unprincipled nihilists and don't give a **** about troops or military service. Or they are ardent partisans that will do anything to take a Democrat down.
I'm equally convinced of two other things though:
1. in the heat of a political campaign, voters will let enough cognitive dissonance in to allow themselves to believe John Kerry is a traitor simply because they don't agree with him politically; that's an order of magnitude different from that to getting voters to believe active duty military are worthy of the scorn they heaped on Kerry. Make Trump own those coffins showing up at Dover; we really think he can swiftboat the war dead? He's proven surprisingly politically adept but let's not give him too much credit here. The right swiftboated a partisan liberal in the heat of a Presidential campaign; swiftboating random dead soldiers is a completely different matter altogether
2. and there are a significant number of people who have a genuine respect for troops and military service such that if you can get people to internalize a narrative that Trump is both incompetent and reckless with American lives, it would be highly damaging for him politically. Even if it was 5% of his voters, that would constitute a significant erosion of political capital.
I remain entirely cynical about the moral credibility of most voters, particularly Trumpkins but I am equally convinced that fundamentally, perpetuating a narrative that Trump is incompetent in ways that threaten the safety of military members serving in war one of if not the most potentially damaging memes available. Yes: lots of Trumpkins, mouthbreathers, and principle-free right-wingers cynically wave the flag. But tons of people -- many Trump voters -- buy into a sincere nationalism and the value of the lives of people serving down to their very core and will become outraged if a collection of stories starts to build that suggests Trump's malfeasance here. The Iraq War is a great example; I am confident the hypothetical interchange 5ive wrote out happened all over America circa 2003 but I'm equally convinced that by 2006, the message had more or less sunk in and the damage was done to Bush. Once people saw that it was a pointless quagmire, the costs in human life and resources spent became stark. Heck, the Democrats haven't had a period of success like 2006-2008 in DECADES. That wasn't a bad script to follow and the first-draft of the screenplay was written in 2003. The groundwork was laid in repeating things like "this is a pointless quagmire" and "all Bush's fault" over and over.
Last edited by DVaut1; 02-07-2017 at 03:53 AM.