I can understand this strategy concerning Rubio et al., but what has McCain got to gain/lose. He must be 115 or something. Lindsey Graham should also be old enough to retire. If you can't take a principled stand then, when will you do it? Losers.
My guess is they are concerned that total refutation of Trump in isolation will leave them on a veritable island, powerless and without allies, and might rightfully cause a revolt in their caucus (not a bad bet). Joe Lieberman could have hung on as a super powerful Senator for another decade and traded most of it in for some high-fives from FNC pundits. You can question the wisdom of it in hindsight. McCain especially seems to cherish his role as Chair of the Armed Services Committee. Graham just got done running for President and also seems to remain ambitious and want power. From there you can justify your principled stand as, well, I'm better as a Trump foil from my powerful Senate position than totally on the sidelines.
In other words, I don't think these guys are D*AGF mode yet. They're exercising the boundaries but falling into line in the end. That's probably good enough for Trump for now but I still think the LIFO model applies and he will have far less political capital than other Presidents, no matter how much we think he violates all of the old rules, no one can fade facts forever. If he has a few bad events and the public sours, these guys (Rubio, Cruz, McCain, Graham et al) are going to jump hard and fast imo.