Originally Posted by dinopoker
Actually Obama never said this.
The Obama 57 states thing is a false equivalency, and really just laughably so.
Does anyone, including his detractors, want to seriously argue that Obama thought there were 57 states?
Contrast that with Trump and his description of Frederick Douglass as someone who is receiving more and more recognition. Does anyone seriously think Trump knows who Frederick Douglass is? Of course he doesn't. And everyone knows that.
Obama has a law degree, was a constitutional law professor and even his critics acknowledge that he is cerebral. Trump receives criticism for saying stupid things because he believes them.
Sklansky, when you do things like this - equate a literal error in speech by Obama with Trump saying demonstrably stupid/misleading/inaccurate things, you discredit yourself intellectually. Why should I or anyone who takes themselves seriously as a thinker continue to listen to what you say after you make such a transparently disingenuous point ?