Originally Posted by bobman0330
What do you think the right course of action is?
I won’t pretend to have a right course of action or a foolproof plan. However I am fairly confident that without China essentially cutting North Korea off we are going to eventually get to a point where north Korea actually kills thousands or tens of thousands of people.
At that point we will run around trying to come up with a response which will undoubedtly be messy and still allow for North Korea to attack again killing even more people. I don’t think there is a magic solution that leads to zero loss of lives. More tariffs are not going to accomplish anything but to kill off North Korea citizens who will be denied the supplies to live. The ruling class have total control of all goods entering the country and keep what they want.
My best case scenario, which entirely may be a path we are in, is to exhaust every possible military plan and scenario to find the one that risks the fewest non North Koreans. Even the best laid plans are going to be costly but we should have all of this worked out and take action the next time the country takes an action of naked aggression.
I simply don’t subscribe to the idea we should wait out certifiable madmen who continually threaten war and just cross our fingers nothing happens. Something will happen and a lot of people will die and we will respond and a lot more people will die and they will respond again and more people will die. I suggest we work towards cutting off that first step in an attempt to limit the overall damage.
If it were no longer illegal I think KJU would probably be a prime candidate for assassination. Not really worried about the trope of potentially ending up with someone worse.
It is certainly an extremely messy situation with no easy outs or answers. However I feel pretty confidently that just laying back and enjoying it is not going to go well. I don’t know if it’s just because the last thirty years have lulled us into fighting and war only being possible if it’s extremly one sided.
The best case scenario for all involved is for China to put a huge squeeze on north Korea but it is not like China is going to do this as a good will gesture. It would entirely depend on China getting a lot out of it from places like Japan South Korea, and the US. Even then China can’t guarantee North Korea doesn’t do something crazy. I have stated it previously and will reiterate it again. If North Korea feels the need to lob missles over a country like Japan I believe it is imperative we take strong action. It doesn’t help that we are saddled with perhaps our weakest foreign affairs president in our history and a nearly empty state department.
I know what won’t work. More Sanctions and more embargoes. Even if China started taking them seriously. The last eight months has given us a glimpse into the mind of an unhinged lunatic as a leader of a country. My biggest takeaway is nothing should be considered off the table or unlikely. So that is how I view KJU now. I think some might mistake my position as some kind of rabid Warhawk, and that is not it at all. I am just thoroughly convinced if we wait for them to attack first then retaliate etc that a lot more people will end up dying and suffering.