Originally Posted by David Sklansky
If a healthy liberal Supreme Court Justice offered to retire right now if Trump did also, would you favor that deal?
I would because I have a weird view of Supreme Court justices and think Trump is such a menace that even if an activist hard line right wing judge got appointed it would be worth it.
It's an interesting question though as the sc nominee is really the only lasting decision from trump's clown show.
As to my weird thoughts on Supreme Court justices I think the reality of the position can absolutely change a person. Not their idealogy but how they see problems and how they want to protect the constitution. So I feel like there is always a less than zero chance that a Supreme Court justices will leave partisan politics behind and govern differently because the unique protections Supreme Court justices have.
That being said we have had plenty of political partisan judges since and some who are just flacks. Others might lean one way or the other but do so with earnest conviction.
Since it's replacing scalias seat I would accept judge Jeannie Pierro on scouts if trump went away.