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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

08-16-2017 , 06:53 PM
08-16-2017 , 06:57 PM
The Charlottesville issue/reponse seems to continue to get much worse. He won't resign and can't be impeached over it, but he will lose a lot of Republican supporters if there are impeachment hearings for Russia. It will also make it nearly impossible to get meaningful legislation done.
08-16-2017 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by ligastar
If the Dems did politics right, they'd do a national ad buy and run this spot during week 1 of the upcoming NFL season. Take a page from the Republican playbook and use every resource out there to your advantage.
They should run it a lot in Alabama for this election coming up to replace Sessions.
08-16-2017 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Does anyone know how close we are to a Constitutional Convention? Last I heard was over a month ago, and it was something like 33/37. That was before that coal mine Governor converted from D to R.

The last thing we need right now is these ****ers changing the Constitution to bend it around Trump.
Lol, 53 republican senators couldn't even agree on a package to repeal obamacare, you think that 37 state gop's are going to agree on a constitutional convention?
08-16-2017 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
The Charlottesville issue/reponse seems to continue to get much worse. He won't resign and can't be impeached over it, but he will lose a lot of Republican supporters if there are impeachment hearings for Russia. It will also make it nearly impossible to get meaningful legislation done.
It was already impossible to get any meaningful legislation done. They blew their wad on health care.
08-16-2017 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
It was already impossible to get any meaningful legislation done. They blew their wad on health care.
They got pretty close because of Trump's heavy handed approach and threats. Moderate Republicans are going to distance themselves away from him and vote however they feel. I think.
08-16-2017 , 07:32 PM
Hey, remember the two GOPers who called for impeachment after Comey? One of them claimed "first" when he made the comment, and the 2nd guy was like "No, I was first!"

Where they are now?
08-16-2017 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
The Charlottesville issue/reponse seems to continue to get much worse. He won't resign and can't be impeached over it, but he will lose a lot of Republican supporters if there are impeachment hearings for Russia. It will also make it nearly impossible to get meaningful legislation done.
Legally, he could be impeached over it IMO (IANAL though). High crimes and misdemeanors includes conduct unbecoming.

Benjamin Franklin used the words, "rendered himself obnoxious," to describe times when impeachment was beneficial to the Executive, since it beat the other recourse to remove him (assassination).
08-16-2017 , 07:38 PM
08-16-2017 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
It's a really bad idea to remove all monuments of America's slavery past. Germany has the right idea in that they force you to remember everywhere. This is how it doesn't happen again.
If anyone tried to holocaust Jews again there would be more than monuments to stop them.

And what America needs is monuments to slaves and abolitionists, preservation of sites where atrocities happened like auction sites. We don't need statues of Confederate leaders.
08-16-2017 , 08:08 PM
The Pizzagate guy Jack Posobiec is a Naval reservist who

1) Lost his security clearance for tweeting classified information


2) His job at the Navy is literally watching people pee.
08-16-2017 , 08:20 PM
Hmmm, a Tuesday (?) rally scheduled just now for next week. Wanna take bets he brings racist **** up to energize a stadium full of white trash?
08-16-2017 , 08:20 PM
Is there a John Laurens statue anywhere?

Also Anderson Cooper just had the reporter from vice on and did a fine job mocking the Nazi who was the focus of her interviews.
08-16-2017 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
It's a really bad idea to remove all monuments of America's slavery past. Germany has the right idea in that they force you to remember everywhere. This is how it doesn't happen again.
Germany kept the gallows and the torture chambers and the barracks and the ovens. They ****ing ridded themselves of all the Hitler statues.
08-16-2017 , 08:22 PM
Trump Lawyer Forwards Email Echoing Secessionist Rhetoric
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s personal lawyer on Wednesday forwarded an email to conservative journalists, government officials and friends that echoed secessionist Civil War propaganda and declared that the group Black Lives Matter “has been totally infiltrated by terrorist groups.”

The email forwarded by John Dowd, who is leading the president’s legal team, painted the Confederate general Robert E. Lee in glowing terms and equated the South’s rebellion to that of the American Revolution against England. Its subject line — “The Information that Validates President Trump on Charlottesville” — was a reference to comments Mr. Trump made earlier this week in the aftermath of protests in the Virginia college town.

“You cannot be against General Lee and be for General Washington,” the email reads, “there literally is no difference between the two men.”


The email’s author, Jerome Almon, runs several websites alleging government conspiracies and arguing that the F.B.I. has been infiltrated by Islamic terrorists.
08-16-2017 , 08:24 PM
Just when you think things can't get worse..........they do ^
08-16-2017 , 08:26 PM
08-16-2017 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Again: given the false dichotomy of having only a statue of Jefferson or Lee, I'd put up a statue of Jefferson. But you can't say celebrating Jefferson isn't celebrating his status as a slave rapist. We only celebrate him as the author of the Declaration and for the wisdom of Louisiana Purchase but not his slave concubines -- that's not a coherent argument. Isn't that just the redux of the Joe Paterno argument?

For everyone else, I will reiterate if forced to have a statue of either Joe Paterno or Jerry Sandusky, I would put up a statue of Paterno but "he coached all those young boys up to be men and donated a YUUUGE LIBRARY" doesn't erase his morally repugnant self serving behavior. So it goes with Jefferson.
I think you're missing an important distinction: In the time of Jefferson, slavery was considered "natural" in most of the world. In the time of Lee, most of the world, including the U.S., had already condemned slavery as evil.
08-16-2017 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck414
Is there a John Laurens statue anywhere?

Also Anderson Cooper just had the reporter from vice on and did a fine job mocking the Nazi who was the focus of her interviews.
Speaking of, I found a look inside the 2019 White House.

08-16-2017 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by CarterP
Привет. У меня есть несколько вопросов, на которые я надеюсь, что каждый может ответить, и он сосредотачивается вокруг DVAut, пытаясь различать Джефферсона и Ли, и хотел бы услышать ответы от всех. Не собираюсь отвечать, хотя, потому что у меня ревматоидный артрит в моих пальцах, но очень заинтересованы в ваших ответах.

1. Если бы не Джефферсон, а, скорее, мужчина, как Джефферсон. Сегодня вы не будете печатать в Интернете. Вы знаете, где бы вы были? Мертвый или никогда не родившийся период.

2. До того, как существовала Америка ... рабство было для всего мира тем, что яблочный пирог для Америки. Извините, я ошибся. Рабство было и остается для всего мира тем, что Америка - яблочный пирог. Рабство было нормой до письменной истории, и миллионы рабы во всей планете сегодня в 2017 году. Коренные американцы были настолько заняты борьбой друг с другом и порабощали друг друга в течение 10 000 лет ... у них даже не было времени Сделайте что-то простое, как колесо.

Плакаты здесь часто дают большую перспективу и контекст того, что происходит политически. Я не согласен со всем этим, но вы предоставляете довольно хорошие аргументы, которые заставляют вас думать. На самом деле, если вы, ребята, управляли кораблем в DNC, я думаю, вы были бы намного успешнее, чем то, что они сейчас там делают.

Но если вы, ребята, действительно серьезно даже не шутите после отцов-основателей, таких как Джефферсон, потому что у него есть некоторые рабы, которые были такими же нормальными, как солнце на западе, для каждой культуры, расы и т. Д. ... тогда ты меня потерял. Я не рассматриваю вас, ребята, здесь, как петушиные дети, избивающие статуи, такие как бешеные животные. В какой-то момент вы должны сказать, да, это слишком далеко.

Privet. U menya yest' neskol'ko voprosov, na kotoryye ya nadeyus', chto kazhdyy mozhet otvetit', i on sosredotachivayetsya vokrug DVAut, pytayas' razlichat' Dzheffersona i Li, i khotel by uslyshat' otvety ot vsekh. Ne sobirayus' otvechat', khotya, potomu chto u menya revmatoidnyy artrit v moikh pal'tsakh, no ochen' zainteresovany v vashikh otvetakh.

1. Yesli by ne Dzhefferson, a, skoreye, muzhchina, kak Dzhefferson. Segodnya vy ne budete pechatat' v Internete. Vy znayete, gde by vy byli? Mertvyy ili nikogda ne rodivshiysya period.

2. Do togo, kak sushchestvovala Amerika ... rabstvo bylo dlya vsego mira tem, chto yablochnyy pirog dlya Ameriki. Izvinite, ya oshibsya. Rabstvo bylo i ostayetsya dlya vsego mira tem, chto Amerika - yablochnyy pirog. Rabstvo bylo normoy do pis'mennoy istorii, i milliony raby vo vsey planete segodnya v 2017 godu. Korennyye amerikantsy byli nastol'ko zanyaty bor'boy drug s drugom i poraboshchali drug druga v techeniye 10 000 let ... u nikh dazhe ne bylo vremeni Sdelayte chto-to prostoye, kak koleso.

Plakaty zdes' chasto dayut bol'shuyu perspektivu i kontekst togo, chto proiskhodit politicheski. YA ne soglasen so vsem etim, no vy predostavlyayete dovol'no khoroshiye argumenty, kotoryye zastavlyayut vas dumat'. Na samom dele, yesli vy, rebyata, upravlyali korablem v DNC, ya dumayu, vy byli by namnogo uspeshneye, chem to, chto oni seychas tam delayut.

No yesli vy, rebyata, deystvitel'no ser'yezno dazhe ne shutite posle ottsov-osnovateley, takikh kak Dzhefferson, potomu chto u nego yest' nekotoryye raby, kotoryye byli takimi zhe normal'nymi, kak solntse na zapade, dlya kazhdoy kul'tury, rasy i t. D. ... togda ty menya poteryal. YA ne rassmatrivayu vas, rebyata, zdes', kak petushinyye deti, izbivayushchiye statui, takiye kak beshenyye zhivotnyye. V kakoy-to moment vy dolzhny skazat', da, eto slishkom daleko.
08-16-2017 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Hmmm, a Tuesday (?) rally scheduled just now for next week. Wanna take bets he brings racist **** up to energize a stadium full of white trash?


build that wall
Mexicans bad
Arpaio is a good guy and probably pardoned
08-16-2017 , 08:33 PM
i can't believe they have Carter Page doing opsec on poker forums wow things must be rough rn
08-16-2017 , 08:35 PM
Can we just stop and pull back for a sec and appreciate how ****ing crazy it is that a sitting President is still renting out convention centres for rallies? I feel like there's so much else going on that we lose perspective on how insane that is.
08-16-2017 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by CarterP
Привет. У меня есть несколько вопросов, на которые я надеюсь, что каждый может ответить, и он сосредотачивается вокруг DVAut, пытаясь различать Джефферсона и Ли, и хотел бы услышать ответы от всех. Не собираюсь отвечать, хотя, потому что у меня ревматоидный артрит в моих пальцах, но очень заинтересованы в ваших ответах.

1. Если бы не Джефферсон, а, скорее, мужчина, как Джефферсон. Сегодня вы не будете печатать в Интернете. Вы знаете, где бы вы были? Мертвый или никогда не родившийся период.

2. До того, как существовала Америка ... рабство было для всего мира тем, что яблочный пирог для Америки. Извините, я ошибся. Рабство было и остается для всего мира тем, что Америка - яблочный пирог. Рабство было нормой до письменной истории, и миллионы рабы во всей планете сегодня в 2017 году. Коренные американцы были настолько заняты борьбой друг с другом и порабощали друг друга в течение 10 000 лет ... у них даже не было времени Сделайте что-то простое, как колесо.

Плакаты здесь часто дают большую перспективу и контекст того, что происходит политически. Я не согласен со всем этим, но вы предоставляете довольно хорошие аргументы, которые заставляют вас думать. На самом деле, если вы, ребята, управляли кораблем в DNC, я думаю, вы были бы намного успешнее, чем то, что они сейчас там делают.

Но если вы, ребята, действительно серьезно даже не шутите после отцов-основателей, таких как Джефферсон, потому что у него есть некоторые рабы, которые были такими же нормальными, как солнце на западе, для каждой культуры, расы и т. Д. ... тогда ты меня потерял. Я не рассматриваю вас, ребята, здесь, как петушиные дети, избивающие статуи, такие как бешеные животные. В какой-то момент вы должны сказать, да, это слишком далеко..
08-16-2017 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by CarterP
hi - I am literal human garbage. I was thinking I might just sit here a while and maybe the smell of me might make some of you get mad.
I promise you I'm like, super enraged, so there's no need for you to ever come back, OK? Mission accomplished; you got me and I bet a bunch of others just FURIOUS.
