Just caught up on last night's Rachel. Turns out we did miss a bombshell yesterday after all.
Looks like Trump laundered a couple hundred million in 2012 between a corrupt bank in Kazakhstan and a farse of a real estate deal in Georgia. He was personally paid $1 million for his troubles. You can guess which country oversaw it.
Trump's lawyer (the Christian hack one) claimed this particular deal is off limits to Mueller. He said "Georgia is not Russia."
ATTENTION 2 plus 2 and ALL Hateful Liberals & Left Biased Main Stream Media;CNN.NY/TIMES.MSNBC.NBC.ABC.CBS.NPR.BBC.WashPost et al
- Don't Be the Globalists's Vehicle to their One World Government -
1. You said nothing about Russia for 50 years until Trump
was inaugurated.
2. You said nothing about Hillary's campaign manager's
brother being paid $175,000 to lift U.S. sanctions on Russia.
3. You said nothing when Obama engaged in military
interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval!
4. You said nothing when Bill Clinton gave Communist China
our ICBM missile guidance technology in return for $$$$ to
his 2nd term campaign.China gave the technology to NoKorea.
5. You said nothing when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama
Squandered Victory in Iraq pulling out All U.S.troops in
2011 leaving Iraq wide open for anarchy & ISIS formation.
6. You said nothing when muslim officer Nidal Hasan Shot 43
soldiers(13 Died) Fort Hood,TX ...Obama called it Workplace
Violence Not terrorism. Joint Terrorism Task Force had been
aware of series of e-mails between Hasan and the Yemen-based Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, who had been monitored by the NSA as a security threat.
7. You said nothing when Obama killed four Americans overseas in counter-terrorism operations without a judicial process.
8. You said nothing of the murders, rapes, robberies at
the hands of illegal aliens flooded across border 2009-17
under Obama.
9. You said nothing when Hillary's worth rose >$100 million as
Sec of State while 8 BILLION dollars went missing frm State Dept.
10. You said nothing after Obama's net worth rose > $10 million
as President.
11. You said nothing when Obama's Justice Dept. wiretapped/
surveilled reporters such as James Rosen and the AP.
12. You said nothing when 9 times the Supreme Court unanimously overturned Obama's expansive use of Executive Power/Orders.Abuse of power when Executive Branch writes new laws.
13. You said nothing when Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch on
the airport tarmac during the Clinton investigation.
14. You said nothing when Obama fired an inspector general after investigating $850,000 AmeriCorps grant received by nonprofit run by former NBA star and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson.
15. You said nothing when Hillary was fed debate questions.
16. You said nothing when Obama, Hillary, & Susan Rice lied
about a video & Benghazi & sent No help during 13 hour assault.
17. You said nothing when Investigations proved Obama's Abuse oftaxpayers rights by having IRS Target conservative small businessowners.
18. You said nothing when Obama's White House held meetings with lobbyists in coffee shops near the White House to avoid disclosure requirements!
19. You said nothing when Eric Holder sold the guns you hate to Mexican criminals & some were used to killAmericans/Border Grds.
20. You said nothing about 36 Obama executive office staffers
who owe $833,970 in back taxes & Al Sharptons 4 million overdue.
21. You said nothing as Hillary enabled Bill, serial rapist/pedophile.
22. You said nothing when Hillary lied about her private use of
multiple private email servers as Sec of State, & ordered phones destroyed when subpoenaed for investigation.
23. You said nothing when Janet Reno, under Bill Clinton, used a tank to kill the Branch Davidians.
24. You said nothing when George Soros paid protesters to burn parts of Ferguson; and funded Black Lives Matter et al.
25. You said nothing when Supreme Court slapping Obama down Ninetimes for writing laws from the Executive Branch - Oval Office.
26. You said nothing about states' rights until Trump's Executive
orders on immigration.
27. You said nothing about Obama's secret closed door meetings in Iran (Death to America), OK'd Iran Nuke Program, gave Billions.
28. You said nothing when Obama gave notice to Border Guardsto keep quiet about true number of illegals crossing borders.
29. You said nothing about the record numbers of people on Welfare government assistance, doubled U.S. Debt under Obama.
30. You said nothing about the number of part time and low paying jobs under the Obama recovery.
31. You said nothing when Obama had SWAT teams raid a Gibson guitar factory and seize property, on the purported basis that Gibson had broken India's environmental laws-but no charges were filed.
32. You said nothing when Obama dismissed charges filed by the Bush Administration against New Black Panther Party members who were videotaped intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling station during the 2008 election.
33. You said nothing when Obama released Guantanamo detainees who then went back to kill Americans.
34. You said nothing when MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council) in 2014, recruited Muslim screen writers in a partnership agreement with Disney/ABC Television Group, owned by Disney Company.
So NOW, you voice your objections about President Trump, voted in by 63 Million Americans who don't want Marxists or Globalism.
Sorry... we can't hear you because you said NOTHING before!!
White nationalists; militia movements; anti-Muslim attackers; I.R.S. building and abortion clinic bombers; and other right-wing groups were responsible for 12 times as many fatalities and 36 times as many injuries as communists; socialists; animal rights and environmental activists; anti-white- and Black Lives Matter-inspired attackers; and other left-wing groups.
Of the nearly 1,500 individuals in a University of Maryland study of radicalization from 1948 to 2013, 43 percent espoused far-right ideologies, compared to 21 percent for the far left. Far-right individuals were more likely to commit violence against people, while those on the far left were more likely to commit property damage.
Cue Cotton Hill: "but when can we talk about the store windows in Berkeley?"
The difference between Jefferson and Lee is that Jefferson did historically significant things that were good and worthy of honor.
You would think this point is obvious to most people, but who knows what is obvious anymore. Lee's claim to fame is leading a war against the United States in an effort to preserve slavery. Jefferson was one of a handful of people responsible for the existence of this country. While he owned slaves, that is not why he is celebrated.
The concern over property is mystifying, especially miniscule costs for giant corporations. Some people in this forum, liberals, were applauding the arrest of Jill Stein for spray painting a bulldozer at standing rock.
Eh. I mostly agree with what Matt Levine has written recently on this issue, and since he's a much better (and more informed) writer than me I'll just quote him.
... https://www.bloomberg.com/view/artic...fargo-mistakes
I kept reading in this link and got to this gem about Peter Thiel:
As part of his commitment to Pyrrhonian skepticism, when all of his Silicon Valley friends were saying that Donald Trump was incompetent and likely to be a disaster as president, Thiel became a Trump supporter. And now Thiel has been telling people that Trump is "incompetent" and that "there is a 50% chance this whole thing ends in disaster."
Hahahahaha wow, amazing!!! Where is Subfallen to comment on this GENIUS and WINNING from Thiel?
There's another good segment with Jon Huntsman's daughter where both opposing sides guests agreed that Trump is trash and she legit didn't know how to handle it.
Then the night crew (Carlson, Hannity) got to work and completely normalized it all.
For the dude asking, this is Netanyahu's son. As you can imagine, this is the general response here for the right-wing. I've read less "articulate" versions of this which basically assumes the rally was a quiet peaceful one from law-abiding oppressed right wing, with a few rotten apples.