Originally Posted by DVaut1
Maybe a blip down in his approval rating but the GOP will get every single one of those voters back
Exactly. I don't place much importance on approval rating anymore because of this. A war works too. Trump has assurances backing him up from many sources. Putin, GOP, Fox/Sinclair, every department in government, etc.
The important thing is, WTF can we do about it besides yelling loudly or waiting a full year with hopes of voting them out? It's painfully obvious how different things will be if he's still POTUS that far down the road.
As of maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago, I've lost faith in the GOP, and subsequently, impeachment as well. So has Trump apparently. His recent vicious attacks on McConnell and, what, 7 or 8 other Congressional Republicans show he's willing to part with them, if necessary. He doesn't want to, but if push came to shove... Because Nazis and dictators both get much more respect, and Putin gets infinite respect. Trump's not parting with the latter group anytime soon.
PS (off topic, but I just saw it on TV) I cannot tolerate it when Trump says [crazy ass claim] followed by "you know it" and pointing to a reporter or someone who can't answer back.