Originally Posted by Monteroy
Obviously it is your thought process, but I am curious if you are self aware that your thought process is a bit shall we say on the outside of the normal curve, and that in and by itself will lose the interest of many people, even those who follow politics. You may very well be preaching primarily to yourself and others who think like you, and that is fine, but it certainly is limiting in its scope of impact.
See, that is the type of condescension that puts you in the same category as 9/11 truthers on street corners pitching their beliefs, which they also have a deep passion about.
Again, you infuse your posts with a lot of condescension, but you also seem to lack self awareness of how you present yourself, or perhaps you simply do not care (which is valid if accurate). I certainly believe that you believe everything you say, to the point of it being a form of religion to you, but not everyone will convert, even those who have a foundation of anti-Trump sentiments, and many of those will actually be put off by your approach even if some of what you say would appeal to them. Again, you may very well not care what reaction you get (common among those with extreme agendas), and if so that is fine, although your message will continue to be lost in the wind, or as a different poster just said - skimmed.
Of course it is a brag (of sorts), you believe that know a lot of secret information that the rest of the sheeple are either too clueless or too indifferent to discover on their own, and you are doing them all a favor by sharing the enrichment that is your knowledge. Find a 9/11 truther on a street corner with a megaphone and it will be the same behavior type and attitude.
My curiosity was how self aware you are about how you present yourself and if you even care, and your answers have definitely given a fairly clear answer on that. I certainly wish you the best in your endeavors and your continued research and I will certainly read it at times and likely be entertained as I have in the past with some of your posts.
All the best.
I don't know what to tell you. There's no "super secret" information, only things that a lot a people didn't get to yet.
There's also no super long article on everything Trump because there's just way too much spaghetti on the wall. I've read super long stuff about certain topics (Putin's Russian ties to Trump, Trump money laundering and real estate dealings, 2016 election hacks, cybersecurity, etc.) that is well sourced and have posted some of those. I've also seen every Trump/Russia related Congressional hearing in its entirety and posted a bunch of videos and clips here. Recently, I pushed the **** out of the important Browder hearing that got little to no attention during Scaramucci week. Literally nobody posted that they watched it.
Shows are incredibly informative too. I haven't missed a night of Rachel Maddow, and talk about her reporting constantly here. Then there are plenty of good documentaries on both CNN and MSNBC that cover a lot of this stuff truthfully.
Over a ridiculous amount of time spent on this, the only negative falsehoods I ever see about Trump are a handful of well known social media goers, like Mensch and Taylor predicting stuff from their BS sources, or random online comments. IRL is full of ignorance, so whatever.
But there's a very good explanation for this phenomenon...
Unlike other conspiracies, Trump's case (though familiar to the Russian people) is unique to Americans. It says more about Trump and the people who represent him than anything else. There's so much low hanging fruit that everything people report sounds like hyperbole, leaving very little need, or incentive, to make things up. When you see or hear a claim you don't think is true, look into it. I promise you'll be surprised very often.
Of course, none of this applies to claims that show Trump positively. The exact opposite is true for those.